[center][h3][color=goldenrod]Francisca Labrys Seax Luxaria[/color][/h3] [i]Loom: Darlyn's Cafe[/i] [i]Day 3, Afternoon Fran for now[/i][/center] At some point, Fran did leave the girls she was accompanying. A call on her cellphone alerted Fran to some business she could go handle, though upon hearing more about the job Fran grew less interested in it. Making an example out of some troublemakers were fun and all, but Fran had no interest in the money rewarded. There was only one thing she wanted and it was to get this damned chastity belt off. She was shortly debating going back to that winged angel girl and telling her to do it, but obviously she wouldn't be willing. So instead Fran was once again left to go wander. It was sometime in the afternoon and Fran was hungry. Well, as hungry as a demon who feeds of lust can be... Which in this instance, she was starving. It's been too long since she had sex, and food only gave her nibblets of what she wanted. If she ate particularly erotically then perhaps, but it has to be in the presence of others. Doing so alone was within the field of masturbation and that isn't enough. Fran usually just robbed vending machines for food, but since she had some spare change from a recent break-in she figured she could try and actually purchase a mean for once. But where would she go...? As Fran walked she came across a billboard covered in pamphlets and advertisements. Many businesses were being advertised including various cafes and restaurants, so Fran had many to choose from. She gave each one a look and decided on a little place called "Darlyn's Cafe". Some quaint shop Fran didn't bother looking too much into. Whatever, food was food, and if it wasn't good then she'll let it be known. She at least knew where the address was, so Fran leap from the streets onto the rooftops and made her way over to the cafe.