[@Gentlemanvaultboy] [@Wraithblade6] [@thewizardguy] [@Tyki] Ozo stood back, and watched what unfolded before him. Before he could even begin to move to aid Firebrand, after his fall, he showed he was fine, saving for having broken a sweat. Then, a woman appeared, human, or, so he thought. He saw her torn clothes, and heard her story, and felt pity. A poor girl, thrown into something beyond her. "Indeed, you can travel with us. We don't bite! Well, I don't, at least, unless you're evil. Then I bite. I bite a lot then." Ozo jokes, alluding to his tendency of eating evil doers. VERY, evil doers. He then winced a bit, thinking that might be getting off on the wrong note. "Err, I don't eat people, unless they're the kind of people who relishes in evil, and who can't be redeemed...which..I give them a wide breath when it comes to that, so, it'll take a lot." He explains, hoping to avoid any sort of worry. He, then for the most part, feeling like he's done nothing but worry the others, sorta shuts up, and waits for their reaction, sweating slightly.