*lurks aggressively* For what it's worth, I am a fan of narrativist systems (focus on story, not on mechanics, stats, and dice) and I use the words fluff and crunch. My understanding is that crunch is numbers, statistics, and the hard and fast rules of the setting. Fluff is...what makes it believable, relatable, and creates the story. If you're sticking in details people don't want and don't like, the term I would use would be filler or padding. Fluff is a good thing. It just uses a different method. As a complete aside, my favored tabletop/dice system of the ones I've used seems to be FATE. Mostly because there is a rule that says "If both outcomes of a roll of the dice are not interesting, don't bother rolling and go with the interesting one." [@Shoryu Magami][@Ailyn Evensen] Oh look who I found! *waves to*