[hider=Eugene]Name/Title: Eugene [b]Race:[/b] I'm human [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider][img]http://img02.deviantart.net/f345/i/2016/031/6/b/cyberpunk_portrait_by_ambr0-d9pzje3.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Significant Memory:[/b] I feel...angry...frustrated. I was part of something bigger, and now it's all gone. No, I don't mean my family, or the world...it was something else. Something specific, I think we had some sort of acronym...yeah, [i]the APF[/i]. We had it written on signs and arm-bands. I...I remember feeling so much anticipation, excitement, fear, love...and I wasn't alone. But what's killing me is I can't remember any names, any faces...I can't even remember what we were doing exactly, just how I felt about it. About [i]us[/i]. And that acronym. [b]Other:[/b] I have this little device on my ear. I think it's supposed to do something, and for some reason my mind tells me that since both my eyes still work, the ear thing oughtta work too. But I don't hear anything from it, not even static.[/hider]