Made a second character for the gamer club, hope that's alright! [hider=Kaori] [center][h1][color=8dc73f]Sugawara Kaori[/color][/h1][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][b]Age: [/b]14 [b]Year:[/b] First [b]Personality:[/b] While she has the appearance of a mousy bookworm, Kaori is larger than life and loves to be around people. She tends to switch hobbies rather easily, spending a period of time being extremely passionate about it and then moving on. However, one thing that she's always loved the idea of is making a game. What with all the different components involved, it's nearly impossible to get bored. Kaori takes the idea of developing a game uncharacteristically seriously, and can be quite strict in regards to with people who she ropes into the creation. She has rather nerdy hobbies but is entirely unashamed of them with little regard to what others think. [b]Background:[/b] Kaori grew up in a very wealthy household with the freedom to pursue just about any hobby she wanted. She had no siblings and her parents were often preoccupied, so she would entertain herself by going out and learning new things. Due to growing up so privileged, she often couldn't quite comprehend that other people didn't have the same luxuries that she had - or that they were abnormal. Kaori had been looking forward to entering Saint Lilium's for years - the idea of a fancy boarding school sounded exciting, and she couldn't wait to try out the clubs. [b]Club: [/b]Gamer club [b]Theme:[/b] [url=]Here[/url][/center] [/hider]