[@Paraffin]Well, to explain the enigma that is the "ZQN" of [i]I Am A Hero[/i] would be rather difficult, as they are pretty, well, enigmatic, but as for what it means for [i]my[/i] zombies, it's roughly this. There is no one single type of zombie. It is a horrifying mixture of zombies that shamble and shuffle, zombies that crawl with only their arms, zombies that sprint full speed, running and jumping off walls, and those who are quadrupedal, crawling on their feet and hands like something out of a [url=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-qbdz4havOK0/ToTFsV3zPeI/AAAAAAAADOc/UBg51MZggxg/s0/030.png]horror movie[/url]. They manage to mutter words or phrases, usually seemingly ones that they used a lot in their life, such as a zombie merchant saying [i]"Buyyyyyy one get one freeeeee..."[/i] for a simple example. They seem to follow a schedule roughly similar to that of which they were alive, and act according to their memories. By acting according to their memories, I mean that they tend not to walk on any highway or overpasses, since most people don't just walk on in the middle of a highway normally. When it is daytime, they will go out and about, shambling along the streets and sidewalks, and once they sun goes down, they will find some house to take shelter in. There are quite a few things they do in the manga that I don't want in this RP. For example, some special zombies are able to communicate and direct the hordes, and if they are decapitated, their head can be placed on another body for them to live again. There is a whole slew of other things to these zombies that makes they really unique and, frankly, [i]fucking awesome[/i], but it would take the better part of the night to really get in depth with it and explain them fully. Read the manga, trust me. It's [b]reallyfuckinggood.[/b]