[h3][center][color=00aeef]Robyn[/color][/center][/h3] [@Fubsy] [@oWhiteDiamondo] [@Nikki Moonlight] Ah, so it was only just keeping a lookout for the previous pack member. And now they had to stick with the hunting groups to make sure nothing bad happens. That was fine; though it would limit her movements somewhat. She tends to run from point A to point B as fast as possible but given the conditions present, she was fine with sticking with the Hunters for now. Angelwing was right in being cautious though - who knows what Crescent Moon might do now. While Robyn still believes that they could've been more lenient in her punishment, moons have passed since then and who knows how much Crescent Moon had changed since then. There was also the matter of winter right around the corner. Prey will be scarce again and they'd be forced to cut down on their meals. Her head turned to the Queen's den where the Queens and the pups were located. They needed to keep up the nutrition to ensure that the pups would survive. And to keep that up, they would need to eat the usual amount of meat. She mentally sighed, thinking how of how much they could get now to save up for the winter. She prayed to the spirits that they would get enough food to last the winter without anyone starving to death. It reminded her awfully of what happened in her old pack. You had to [i]fight[/i] to survive there. Not literally fight, but you would need to hunt your own share in the scarce winter. They were all locked in a harsh competition. The only good thing is that the Queens and pups were excused and were given appropriate amounts of food to survive. But they were the only exceptions. Her attention snapped back to Angelwing as he dismissed them. She stood up from her place as the leader dropped down from the rock and then looked around. Her eyes were naturally drawn to the food pile where the small deer was. Wait... where did the deer go? She took a sniff to find out who might have taken it. There was a fresh trail of where the deer had gone to, and it was out of the clearing. She tilted her head to the side before turning to Kinow. [color=00aeef]"Hey, Kinow."[/color] She called out, in a more hushed voice as to not startle the male. [color=00aeef]"The deer's gone and its scent leads out of the clearing."[/color] She continued.