[center][h3]David Chandler[/h3] [@argetlam350][@smarty0114][@bornlucky][/center] He looked to the bespectacled operative. Though terribly mannered, was one of the more sensible characters here. He asked him to deliberate his plan, Reaper didn't seem to have qualms with letting him lead for the moment. [color=red]"Very well"[/color], he shifted around a bit to change his stance. He had a few plans in mind, explosives to blow out the rail up ahead, a stealth operation, it all came down to who went with who. Before being placed in this ragtag team, everyone should have received some dossier on their abilities. He certainly took the time to read them. [color=red]"Based on the abilities of everyone present, I suggest these for the teams. Team A assigned to train R will consist of... Heliox, Theodore, and Medix. Team B assigned to train B will consist of me, Mortem, and Scorn"[/color], he started. [color=red]"Team A will make use of their direct combat skills, and make it a living hell for our guests to even set foot on the train. I would suggest waiting until you figure out which carriage has our cargo before letting loose. Once secured, separate the cart from the train for our transports to pick up as well as extraction"[/color], a sound plan. Theodore's poison abilities and Medix' were more deadly in a smaller area, and a train was certainly just that. [color=red]"Team B however, will make use of stealth. Scorn will move to scout the enemy locations, while Mortem will find the controls to the train as well as the cargo, once identified, he will detach the compartment containing the cargo for transports to pick up. I will keep the rooftops covered and keep an eye out for any unusual movements. With luck, they won't even have a chance to fight back and we can be out before anyone knows we were there"[/color], he finished. Three stealth operatives meant a quiet operation, something he was very familiar with. It was the SAS' MO after all. Precision and silence.