[hider=k][img]http://safebooru.org//images/1585/c64ac8742098e85416e58b55bdcf0c1f6e6016d5.jpg[/img] Name: Paula Hergenröther Age: 14 Year: First Personality: Paula is a very shy girl, mostly because of the fact that her Japanese isn't the best and that she is very new to the country. Because of this, she has gotten lost in the crowds multiple times before. You could call her clumsy, or you could call it really bad luck, or you could call it only being able to see from one eye. If she ever doesn't see someone, chances are she's not ignoring and just genuinely didn't see her. Once you break through her bubble, you'll be able to see that Paula just wants to enjoy herself in this new country. She'd rather see and eat things from her home country, and having any interest in or being from Germany or Austria, even simply speaking the language, would make her much more willing to talk to you. After establishing a good friendship with her, she'll definitely be more sociable than upon first glance. Backstory: Paula was born in the German country, and was introduced to farming, herding, and riding on horses from a very young age. Until she was 5, she lived with her uncle, his wife, and her grandparents most of the time. When she turned 5 years old, her parents came to take her from the countryside and homeschool her since they finally had the time to spend with their daughter. Her father worked for a big business in Germany and Austria, named after Paula's family name. After kindergarten, she then entered grundschule and went through the normal German education. Every summer, she went to the old farm where she used to live. However, one of her dream jobs was always to be a member of the Luftwaffe. It was something that was interesting her from her studies, and so in her free time she read all that she could about the air force. She would've followed through, and probably wouldn't be in her current situation if it wasn't for a accident with fireworks when she was getting out of elementary. The accident permanently blinded her left eye and ruined any chances she had of being in any part of the military. After the accident, she started becoming more interested in horseback riding, not professionally, but simply for fun. It took her a while to get used to it, but slowly and surely she did. She also became more attached to her horse, spending most of her summer caring for it. When she was 12 years old, her family moved to Japan for unknown reasons. They made the decision to take the horse with her in hopes that she would find somewhere for it to stay. Not only did she find a high school that was perfect for such a thing, she had the skills academically to be enrolled in the school. Other stuff: Paula speaks German, Latin, Russian, and Japanese. Her horse is a female Schwarzwälder Kaltblut. Most of the time, when she rides, she relies on memory of where she's riding. She doesn't ride as much anymore, she only really likes to take care of her horse. Club: Equestrian Club. Theme: (still trying to find one)[/hider].. Probably forgot to edit some stuff