[center][h2][color=lightcoral]Sawasawa[/color][/h2][/center] [hr] She turned to Ryu, whom she had left in the dust for the excitement of the job board. [color=lightcoral]Sorry, my bad, I got swept up in the moment.[/color] She gave her best apologetic look. He seemed an alright sort, she remembered his offer for help with the robots and appreciated that. However, she wasn't about to give too much information regarding herself right off the bat, where was the fun in that? Though, she could give him her name and a little bit more. [color=lightcoral]Nice to meetcha Ghost, you can just call me Sawa. And don't you worry about my quirk mister, a true magician never reveals her secrets~[/color] With a wink, she rested Waldo over her shoulder and began to extend her hand for a shake before she was interrupted by the scene unfolding on the TV. [color=yellow]HERO COMING! POLICE SENDING BACKUP![/color] [color=lightcoral]Lets not be hast-[/color] She was cutoff almost immediately as the hot-blooded gangster maid sprinted to the ladder and climbed up to the unfolding chaos above. Sawa smiled with uncertainty, if any more of these hot-bloods decided to jump into the fray, they would most certainly draw an unwanted spotlight on this area and the brand-new room she liked so much would be at risk of exposure. That would be a shame, most definitely. Ghostperson suggested Charlotte go clean up the mess up top with the help of one other. That seemed a prudent way to avoid too much suspicion on the area as two extra villains coming out of the woodwork was definitely less questioning than a dozen. Maybe this way she could try out her new wand, [color=lightcoral]I will go with Charchar~! I won't let her out of my sight, I swear on my honor[/color] She did a mocking salute to Ghostguy and turned to Charlotte. [color=lightcoral]If you wanna go, I'm ready when you are [/color]She was interested to see how Charlotte did things, and was even more interested to see whether she herself was ready to match a hero.