[center][h3][color=ed145b]~Claudia DeFeren~[/color][/h3][/center] The sun gleamed across the pearlescent sheen of the cherry red sports car as it drove down the highway stretching beside the vast, endless ocean, all windows rolled down, a catchy melody playing on the radio. Twas but weeks ago she was invited to the place by an unknown source while she was vacationing in Greece, a strange letter with the invitation slipped beneath the crack of her door at the hotel. She figured it was a love letter from one of the cute maids she took for a night of [i]fun[/i], but a surprise when she opened the envelope to see an invitation to stay at Mitzuki Manor. The place was quite lovely in the brochure photo, but she had her suspicions. Who would invite her to such a place...and why? Her time in Santorini was wonderful, but she was ready to move on. Places to go, people to meet, that sort of thing. This manor would be a wonderful place to relax before she continued on her little sightseeing tour of the world. Her car swerved into the drive and screeched to a halt. She wasn't nsturally the best driver, but when you've lived as long as her, such matters were trivial. She emerged from the vehicle, her high heels making an audible clack against the pavement of the drive. She was dressed rather simple in a red short sleeved button blouse and a black pencil skirt cut just above her knees. She had on dark sunglasses made by an Italian fashion mogul and a floppy sunhat with a faux pink carnation christening the white ribbon around it. A smile, devious yet pleasant crossed her luscious ruby lips as she looked up to the magnificent mansion musing, [color=ed145b]~"Home sweet home, for now at least."~[/color] Miss Claudia DeFeren had arrived. [hr] [center][h3][color=ed1c24]Evelyn Thorne[/color][/h3][/center] The old, rusty pickup truck rumbled down the unpaved stretch of country road that winded through the rolling hills and sprawling vast meadows, kicking up clouds of dust that stung her dry, blood shot eyes. The black haired girl sat in the back of the truck, a pair of headphones over her ears as she watched the rural country pass her by. The old man driving the rusted hunk of steel was pretty much doing his best to hit every bump and pothole in the dirt road, nearly jarring her teeth out with how much it rocked and rattled. But hey, it was either this or walking, and by now her feet were sore and tired. She guessed Converse Hi-tops weren't the best walking shoes. It didn't help matters either ttying to brave the open summer heat in a pair of black skinny jeans and her favorite Slipknot shirt...also black. It had been a long trip, wandering all over with nowhere to go in particular. Meeting alot of cool people, seeing a bunch of cool places, not to mention getting to hear some killer music at a few festivals. Whole lot of fun. Just what she needed to get her mind off things. But was time to go home to Aberdeen. She had gotten the text from her sister Camilla the other night, around the same time she got that weird invitation to some manor out in the country. Mitzuki Manor it was called. It was just a few words from Camilla, but enough to bother her all through the night. [code]From: Cammie Sis Time: 10:39 PM "Mom's sick! You need to come home! She misses you!"[/code] Sick... It wasn't the kind of [i]sick[/i] you just slept off, took some medicine for and you'd be alright the next few She already knew what was going on. Their mother tried to hide it, saying there was nothing wrong with her. If they tried to ask, she would always get mad and yell at them. But she wasn't stupid. She knew well enough... Her mom was dying...and she was going say goodbye. She decided to spend some time at this manor, just to relax, get her head clear. She wasn't too happy going back to that backwoods hellhole, but...this was her only chance to make amends for the past...the reason she ran away. [b]"Welp, here we are, ma'am!"[/b] The truck stopped just a few feet from the mansion. She hopped out pulling her guitar and her duffel bag out of the back. Really? She still had to walk? She gave the trucker a confused look. The trucker replied. [b]"Sorry ma'am, but I ain't going nowhere near ol' Mitzuki Manor! That place gives me the heebie jeebies! They said it's haunted. Can't imagine why anybody in their right mind would wanna stay there. You be careful now, Miss uh..."[/b] [color=ed1c24]"Evelyn."[/color] [b]"Right."[/b] The trucker nodded. [b]"Miss Evelyn. You be careful now."[/b] Evelyn gave the trucker a curt nod. The truck drove away quickly, kicking dirt and grass all in Evelyn's face. Evelyn merely brushed it away with a sigh. [color=ed1c24]"Haunted huh? Good thing I like talking to dead people."[/color] She looked up at the mansion. Now that she thought about it, it did give her a creepy vibe. Some old mansion out in the middle of nowhere, people being strangely invited, Ev wouldn't be surprised if she walked in on some cannibal feast or a bunch of masked weirdos having an orgy around some goat headed statue with pentagrams and inverted crosses all over the walls. Neverthelesd, she shrugged. Better than having to pay for a hotel. All she had was her clothes, her phone, and her guitar.