[center][color=A9A9A9] [h3] Lomen [/h3] [/color][/center] [@Jangel13] [hr] Lomen paid intent attention to the skinning and learned the skill to do so. After a few moments of milling over what to do with the pelt, Lomen ripped the right hind leg and sat next to Grandpa Goblin. He then offered the hind leg to Grandpa Goblin and started eating. [color=A9A9A9] Mind telling a young goblin more about this world?[/color] In truth he wanted to know more about the monsters and possible ways to acquire abilities. Though after a good first day hunting, he would just be happy to have a regular conversation. Grandpa Goblin was wise due to being alive longer and would be a wealth of knowledge. For a moment Lomen pondered what morals he should follow in this life and decided that would be done later, as of now he was a bit tired. He resolved to figure out a few morals before heading out tomorrow. If anything, it would be better to live a short life true to himself rather than regret a long life of mistakes so finding out morals was a must. Satisfied with his thoughts, Lomen returned his full attention to Grandpa Goblin, still offering the leg and eating the rest of the alpha horned rabbit.