[@oWhiteDiamondo][@Polaris North][@Fubsy] Luna looked and frowned. She went to the kill pile and she sniffed. She decided she was too exhausted and that she needed some sleep for the nightly patrol. She turned despite her fur bristling and licked her pelt to smooth it down. She began to pad toward the warrior's den. She passed Rymen and Angelwing, her tail slightly down to show respect. She flattened her ears against her head in apology, as if it weren't allowed for her to rest, and she entered the warrior's den, collapsing into the little "nest" she had made heavily with a little huff. She curled up and closed her reddish eyes, trying to sleep. Before she drifted off, she gave a silent prayer. [i]Please, ancestors, let everything be alright with all of this....[/i] Then she was fast asleep.