The year is 1942, and the world is at war, One side on the world stage where everyone can see, the other half behind the curtain. Yet still there is another layer, below the stage and the curtain, in the dark depths that nobody ever gets to see, besides yourselves. Both the Allies, and the Axis have begun investigative programs into lost and forbidden areas, in hopes of finding weapons, secrets, or technologies capable of giving them the advantage necessary to win the war. In Western Europe, the British forces have begun delving into the lost arts of Pagan Druidic rituals and magic, in hopes of uncovering some way of combating their foes. The Americans, driven by Axis scientific and Occult advances, have begun both a project dedicated to creating superhuman soldiers, known as Project Washington, and consulting with native populations of North America in hopes of utilizing their shamanistic magics against the Axis forces. The Italians, with their control of Rome and access to Europe’s cathedrals, have forced their way into Catholic vaults to uncover the relics locked within. The Germans have already been active in this field for some time and rumors are they have seen some success, and are delving into the scientific community in search of more powerful fuel sources. The goal being to advance their technological output, while also investigating the ancient runic powers of the Norse and Scandinavians. The Soviets are rumored to have uncovered significant technology from within the Arctic Ice and the lands of the far North, though their origins are unexplained. The Japanese have begun to experiment with Shinto rituals, while also using the occupation of Chinese and southeast Asian land to investigate ancient ruins and mystic temples in eastern Asia. You are members of a paranormal investigation agency known as the Rutherford Organization. Founded by Dr. Victor Rutherford in 1919, the group was founded after the discovery of the former Central Powers having performed experiments and research of occult nature in the Balkans during the Great War. Dr. Rutherford has since gone missing, but the organization continues to further this cause, with extra speed thanks to officially-unofficial monetary backing by the Allied forces. The Organization accepts people of all colors, sexes, nationalities, faiths, and creeds, so long as they aren't opposed to aiding the allies in the war effort. [hr] Alright, so here's the OOC for this, what I consider my "child" in terms of RPs or RPG campaigns I've created in my lifetime. I'm really looking forward to running this, so first off the rules! 1. All my decisions are final, subject only to the Guild's rules themselves. 2. No general ruining the RP, this includes things like godmodding, taking control of other characters without permission, etc. Just don't try and take control of the RP. 2. Characters are encouraged to have backstories and personalities that pertain to the political situation of the world, and also those that have the opportunity for inter-party disputes. Lets keep things interesting! 3. This RP will try to maintain a standard of historical accuracy. If anyone can tie a supernatural, paranormal, or occult subject into a real historical event, I wholeheartedly encourage it. 4. No real post length requirement, just keep it grammatically correct, pertaining to recent events, and sufficiently detailed. 5. Players may create as many characters as you wish, but know that you may only control [b]ONE AT A TIME.[/b] 6. Have fun, and just be a good person! CS template: [hider=Template CS] Name: Age: Sex: Nationality:(Nations not existing at the time of the RP are accepted. IE Polish, Serbian, etc.) Appearance:(Pictures are accepted, though written description is a must. Anime images will be judged most severely.) Outward Personality: (Who you are in the eyes of your colleagues and those we work with.) Inner Personality: (Who you REALLY are, ulterior motives, suspicious plans, and anything else are encouraged.) Backstory: Other: (Anything else you wish to include!) [/hider]