[color=f7976a][center][h3]~Allison Hillard~[/h3][/center][/color] [color=yellow]HERO COMING! POLICE SENDING BACKUP![/color] Oho, seemed like they had found them. Now, sending villains to deal with them was a bad idea though. With this mob here, they could just pin the blame on them! 'Mob antagonizes heroes and gets spectacularly rekt'. Now that would certainly be a fun little thing to watch. Judging from the boring guy who used his head too much though, that mob crew was his. Well, that was silly of him. She'd have to say she wouldn't trust him after that. Why were they here anyways, then? Silly Gi. [color=f7976a]"Well, I dunno about you all,"[/color] Allison plopped down on one of the chairs, landing on it with a heavy thud with her heavier body. [color=f7976a]"Buuut I think I'll let the silly outdated old guys and the silly self righteous fools fight it out. With any luck, they'll kill each other!"[/color] Allison chuckled, removing the condom from the banana and peeling it. [color=f7976a]"Saves us a whole lot of work and it'll cover up any silly suspicion that we might have around here if the heroes think the mob guys were the culprit."[/color] She took a bite of the banana, chuckling happily to herself. [color=f7976a]"I mean, you guys can go if you want, but try and use your heads a bit if you do, yeah?~"[/color]