[@Gentlemanvaultboy][@supertinyking][@Wraithblade6][@thewizardguy] "It's just a pebble isn't it? maybe some obsidian i guess" she says evenly, holding the stone of rather immense amounts of evil power as though it were that; just a rock. However, she does hand it over to be examined by the seemingly normal, albeit rather pale man that functioned as something of a necromancer. However, it was quite obviously that she was vastly more interested in the talking cat-fish man and the very obviously magical demon present more so than actually afraid of them considering how nice they were. "I'm not evil, mister catfish... just a nurse that got slapped really hard by something really big and wound up here..." she says with a small sigh, seemingly unaware of her oddities that were jarringly obvious to the rest of the party.