[@Beloss] I can certainly think of other games, when I take the time to write. [quote=@Lonewolf685] That's not the wisest claim to make immediately after he makes an alliance with an Assassin. Not that Richard would really shed a tear if Walgrave died, but the loss would be to his detriment in some regards. [/quote] That's where the part of not telling anyone comes from. Kinda like on the EXTRA Dead End where Robin Hood ambushes you regardless of his Master wanting it or not. That's where the Archer's skill of Independent Action gets really useful. [quote=@Raineh Daze] Err... I don't think you're going to outsmart someone in [i]arm wrestling.[/i] O_o [/quote] It may surprise you but there are actual arm wrestling techniques. Nevertheless, I admit that Atalanta has very few chances of defeating Kintoki in a contest of strength, given the difference in their parameters.