[hider=CS] [CENTER] [H3]Character Sheet[/h3] [b][img]http://ak2.polyvoreimg.com/cgi/img-set/cid/149848268/id/ANszIci35BGGz6almyklpg/size/l.jpg[/img][/b] [i]"You are wicked and your sins will be purified by the white light!"[/i] [h2]Basic Info[/h2] [b]Name:: Giselle Sniegow[/b] [b]Nickname/Alias:: The Mean Priestess[/b] [b]Gender:: Female[/b] [b]Age and date of birth:: 19, October 10.[/b] [b]Guild::[/b] Harpy's Wing Mark on left leg. [b]Rank::[/b] B [h2]Personal Information[/h2] [b]Personality::[/b] Giselle is shy but not aloof, she doesn't show emotion as it would hinder her daily tasks and as much as possible, she'll get the job done than drag it. She usually says the opposite of the main things she wants to convey which sometimes result to a misunderstanding and would often ignore it. She hates fights and would so avoid it but would fight if she needed too, as much as possible, she'll avoid it but if not, she'll give up easily. Most of the times, she would be reading novels and eating shiny things and would watch private things on her lacrima television and whatever that is, she calls it her secret things. [b]History::[/b] She grew up from a family that.. she doesn't want to remember at all for some reason not until she met her dragon parent, it was short but for once Giselle felt what it's like to have a parent. The Dragon Parent would always tell her to be organized which today she displays and no matter what, always have a contingency plan and of course, be friendly which she can't do up to now needs some assurance. Giselle one day woke up and noticed her dragon parent disappeared and she was only 10 years old at that time; marking only 3 years of lovely time spent with her parent thus she was 7 when she met her parent. After the loss of her parent and a few months later, she started a novel entitled "Tales of a One Way Path." and by then she would earn a living. Five years later, when she is assigned upon the village of Luna Crescente due to her Editor telling that her writing content lacks emotions, she is to venture out and find out what can she do to make her writing better and so then she joined Harpy's Wing. The Guild Master made no mistake to take her in and left a parting words of purpose; [i]"Is this your purpose or a purpose that someone has forced upon you? Remember that everything takes flight like a harpy, I don't expect an immediate answer but someday soon, I know you'll write from the heart."[/i] Those words struck her hard but could not understand it. [h2]Magic[/h2] [b]Magic Name::[/b] [url=http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/White_Dragon_Slayer_Magic]White Dragon Slayer Magic[/url] [i]Light Make[/i] [b]Description::[/b] [url=http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/White_Dragon_Slayer_Magic]White Dragon Slayer Magic[/url] [b]Known Spells::[/b] [url=http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/White_Dragon%27s_Roar]White Dragon's Roar[/url] [url=http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Holy_Ray]Holy Ray[/url] Giselle is not only a Dragon Slayer but also a Light Molding Mage. She simultaneously combine her slayer magic with her molding power to create more versatile spells. She even said it herself that, slayer magic is too bland and only powerful for those who knows how to use them but for someone who is brainy as herself otherwise. Giselle claimed that with shape and form, it's more effective. [b]Light Make:[/b] Golden Lune. Giselle releases waves of crescents by hand swipes and this is her most basic spell and signature move. [b]Light Make: [/b] Luminous Lune. Long Ranged shackles of light launched that crushes the ground. [b]Light Make:[/b] Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder. By molding the environment's light, she is able to create an optical illusion, be it so object or living things. [b]White Dragon's Moon Sword.[/b] Giselle creates a blade in a shape of a crescent and uses it in close combat. She can also launch the blade in mid range. [b]Dragon Slayer's Secret Art,[/b] [i]White Dragon's:[/i] Luminous Pierce. Combined with molding magic and white dragon slayer magic. Giselle creates a huge light bow and releases a devastating bright arrow. [h2]Other[/h2] Beware of her secret things, she doesn't want you near it. [i]Timeline [/i] - Met her Dragon Parent at the age of 7. The parent taught her how to write positive stories instead of negative stories and everything that a good parent would teach a child. The name of her Dragon Parent is Lumina which she doesn't remember. - At the age of 10, Lumina just disappeared thus marking the age of writing for Giselle. -Giselle wrote a vast number of books as a Novelist. Only one of her novels were featured in the Sorcerer's Magazine entitled, Light with No Love. A story about a man who had everything as well light in a metaphorical sense and would always compete to his lesser rivals but even if he wins, his rivals were happy. She is currently still writing but not as much as before. Featured a year ago. Now, she is nurturing a new novel. - Writing, Archery and Singing is her natural talents. The first being the most iconic about her, archery as based in her combat status and that's the way she would hunt for food whenever she was with her dragon parent for she was taught archery as she does not like fighting close range. In spite of her talent to sing, she never sing again after Lumina left. She still sings though but in private. - She's been a member of Harpy's Wing for four years. She's now 19 years old as she joined when she was 15. - The jobs that she take are Writing Jobs, Hunting Jobs(That doesn't involve killing people but more on finding food), Shoot a Polo Jobs, a job that is part of the circus that requires good shooting skills. -She has a sweet tooth. - Often she is assumed to be a pervert due to her "Don't touch my private things." Well in fact she is. [b]Relatives::[/b] Lumina the White Dragon [b]Posseions::[/b] Her books. Mini Lacrima TV. Writing tools. Diaries. [b]Theme Song::[/b] [/CENTER] [/hider]