[hider=Jonathan Baumann] Name: Jonathan Baumann Age: 32 Sex: Male Nationality: German, of Jewish decent. Appearance: [hider=Picture] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/85/89/ab/8589ab1ef88b8cba6547f60dce275ffc.jpg[/img] (I know he doesn't look at all Jewish. Roll with it.) [/hider] Standing at 5'11" and highly intelligent, Jonathen would be one of Hitler's perfect Aryans if he was not a Mischling (half Jewish.) His heritage is strangely removed from his appearance, and his parents often joked that the traditional traits had 'slipped a generation,' as his sister was similar. Trying to pin down his wardrobe would be an exercise of the utmost futility; throughout his life his clothes have changed near constantly; especially during his work in military intelligence. As a Rutherford Operative, this has not changed much, although he does tend to wear a long overcoat, normally to cover up the flak jacket or SN-42 body protection that he occasionally wears.. Outward Personality: Dedicated, well-read and not a half-bad shot, to his old colleagues at British Military Intelligence, a brilliant radio operative, or 'pianist,' and with an excellent stint in German occupied France, including a particularly deadly mission to recover a supposed Gaulish potion dating back to Roman times that grants the consumer increased strength and mobility, although it was discovered that one of the plants needed to make said potion had long since gone extinct. To his current colleagues at the Rutherford Program, a brilliant linguist, his unique talent for picking up and speaking languges at a near fluent level, as well as his vocal range that allows him to impersonate a variety of accents spanning the globe, has earned him nothing but overall respect wherever he has worked. Inner Personality: Whilst Jonathan is certainly an anti-Nazi at heart, his true purpose within the Rutherford Organisation is to locate the Gabriel Tablets; a set of stone tablets given by the Arch-Angel Gabriel to Mohammed when he was writing what would become the Qu'uran that detailed exactly what one must do to achieve what all Abrahamic religions said was impossible; that being the ascension of a human to an angel, and decipher them. Said tablets have supposedly been discovered by Mussolini and Hitler in their conquests of North Africa, and are now apparently residing inside the Vatican Reliquary, where the content of them is being analysed to find out if it a legitimate item. Should Jonathan find them, not only would he become one of the most famous men in the world, bu he would alsi be able to ascend to angelhood. Backstory: Other: Languages he speaks: German language group (Primary, German) Dutch Afrikaans Southern European Language Group (Primary, Italian and Latin) Italian French Spanish Portuguese English Language Group (Primary: English) Gaelic Slavic Language Group (Primary, Russian) Russian Ukrainian Polish [/hider] Placeholder.