Irthorne glanced up from his book and looked around at the greenery covering the area. It was a chilly spring day that day, with flowers coming into fresh bloom everywhere. The air whispered as the breeze blew through the atmosphere, causing a bit of a shiver to anyone walking nearby. Irthorne closed the book after folding the corner of the page he was on so he could pick up where he left off later, and with the title of the book "The Herolich" facing the sky, he went back over a plan. He had amassed a good-sized group, but that was also the downfall. If too many people entered the Believers Crypt at once, they may cause a collapse of rubble on top of them, which was a very bad situation if they were caught within it, so a few would have to stay outside the dungeon, which may prove useful anyway as this dungeon may have the classic necromancer in it, and if the necromancer has any minions that went out on errands, be it to get food or toilet-paper, then the surface group would be there to make sure that minion doesn't get into the dungeon. The only question is, who would be willing to stay on the surface of the dungeon? After pondering over the idea in his head, the 14 year old girl didn't seem like a good idea to leave on the surface with a bunch of strangers. Irthorne trusted a few of them, like the monk woman and the birdman, but there were also those like the self-proclaimed "Axeman", which gave him the willies. Willies or no willies, it was ultimately up to the person whether they would stay on the surface or not. Irthorne checked his watch again, and saw it was the decided time to enter the dungeon. [color=2e3192][b][i]"Where is everyone?"[/i][/b][/color], Irthorne thought as he waited for the group to arrive.