[b]Name[/b] : Benard Michael (Bull) Ferguson [b]Race[/b] : Human [b]Age[/b] : 34 [b]Sex[/b] : Male [b]Rank [/b] : Captain [img]https://uproxx.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/cosplay-startrek-20.jpg?quality=90&w=520&h=693[/img] [b]Career History[/b] Benard Michael Ferguson was born on Earth in the city of Detroit Mich. to Dr. Franklin R. Ferguson and Dr. Susan B. Ferguson both parents were members of the Daystrom Institute advanced Medical research Division He attended the New York school of Performing Arts and studied Music his specialty singing. It was during his last two years at the School of Arts that he discovered a love for power lifting and even entered competitions (currently he holds the Academy’s Human Deadlift record 510.3 kg. / 1125 lb. and did in other fields when he graduated ) He graduated 2365 91st / 1150 with an engineering specialty 2367 He was an Ensign aboard the Princeton at the Battle Wolf 359 where he was one of only 23 survivors in that tragic event. (Awarded the Christopher Pike Medal of Valor) [hr][hr][hr] [b]Name[/b] : Margaret L. Sayer [b]Race[/b] : Human [b]Age[/b] : 28 [b]Sex[/b] : Female [b]Rank [/b] : Lt. Commander [img]http://orig05.deviantart.net/cf65/f/2014/055/9/9/milla_at_destination_star_trek_by_milla_s-d77t077.jpg[/img] [b]Career Record[/b] Born on Mars her schooling till the academy was at the Mars Technical Institute where she entered the Academy Prep school at Olympus Mons in Commander Sayer Graduated 23rd/1200 in the class of 2069