[hider=Little Miss Lolita] [center] [h2][color=9370D8][b]♚ Mimi ❤ Shiina ♚[/b][/color][/h2] [h3][color=D87093]❝Sugar☆Star!❞[/color][/h3] [img]http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/36700000/Dangan-Ronpa-image-dangan-ronpa-36718630-400-500.png[/img] [color=9370D8][b]Age:[/b][/color] [color=D87093][i]14[/i][/color] [color=9370D8][b]Year:[/b][/color] [color=D87093][i]First[/i][/color] [color=9370D8][b]Personality:[/b][/color] [color=D87093][i]At first glance, Mimi is sugar, spice, and everything nice; alas, her cute lolita exterior hides the little demon that hides within. She pretends to be very confident and shameless about showing off her cute beauty, but deep down she's so insecure that she has to lie even to herself to make her affable to others. Her haughty behavior completely vanishes the second she is in front of the camera or on the catwalk. She gets easily jealous if others are getting more attention than she is and will make it obvious who people are supposed to be paying attention to--her.[/i][/color] [color=9370D8][b]Background:[/b][/color] [color=D87093][i]Mimi was born into your average household with an older brother. Her parents had boring jobs and the two children went to the most plain schools in Yokohama. They were so boring that they didn't even go on vacations like most average Japanese families. From day to day, it was the same routine, until a middle school Mimi decided to make that change. She had always been interested in all of the pop stars, especially the young models that rode to fame and fortune. Their lives were exciting and seemed to change on the daily. The company that her father worked for, though he was toward the bottom of the food chain, began to do a talent search in hopes of joining the ranks of the other companies having a pop star to be their poster child. When she asked her parents, they merely shrugged the thought off. There were going to be hundreds of children that would flock to become the "next big thing". They also informed her that since she did not have any real talents, like singing or dancing or even being able to play an instrument--her chances would be very low. Not letting her parents' indifference get in her way, she demanded that she be taken to the talent search. As she waited in line, she saw that all of the other girls and boys that were around her were extremely talented. She took a different approuch than many of her competitors; by becoming a lolita, she stole the hearts of the judges and won. From that point on, her lolita-sona was plastered all over magazines and TV talk shows. She received lessons in singing and dancing, making herself a versatile pop icon. By the end of middle school, she also became a modeling icon. She and her family moved up in the world: moving into a large house and her brother being able to afford attending the best university. Her father received a promotion to the top tier and her mother was able to be her manager. She was a sensation--until the company nearly went bankrupt. She was able to keep the company afloat, but most of her fame became irrelevant. Other stars rose up and stole her spotlight, though she still manages to hang on by a thread. In hopes of "freshening up her act", she was sent to Saint Lilium's in order to find more inspiration.[/i][/color] [color=9370D8][b]Other things:[/b][/color] [color=D87093][i]Everything show owns is frilly and "girly", yet since winter break, she has become more into the goth lolita fashion to step up her game. Her lolita styles can change on the whim, but they usually last for a few months before they switch up.[/i][/color] [color=9370D8][b]Club:[/b][/color] [color=D87093][i]Airsoft Club, Gardening Club, and Theatre Club.[/i][/color] [color=9370D8]Theme:[/color] [url=https://youtu.be/d5_H-4JokzA]Misery Loves Company - Emilie Autumn[/url][/center] [/hider]