[hider=Sven Heidrich] Name: Sven Heidrich Age: 52 Sex: Male Nationality: German, specifically Prussian Appearance:[hider=During the Great War][img]http://i.imgur.com/1ydZ271.jpg[/img][/hider][hider=Current Day][img]http://i.imgur.com/UznycBC.jpg[/img][/hider] Sven stands at about 6 feet, though with his aging he doesn't stand quite as straight as he used to. His hear is a light grey, having worn away from the crisp brown it was originally. His eyes still retain a bright blue shine despite his age, however. His skin is wrinkling as he grows older, and his suits show a bit of wear from being worn for all these years. He's hardly ever found without a pipe in hand, though sometimes he simply chews on the tip instead of smoking it. Outward Personality: In the eyes of his friends, colleagues, and the world at large, Sven is a brilliant archaeologist, a renowned historian, and a true gentleman. Sven is polite, friendly, and welcoming, quite at odds with the modern portrayal of Germans. He despises the Third Reich, and sees it as a shameful mockery of the Germany he served during the Great War. Inner Personality: Sven's secret ambition is to use the secrets uncovered by the Rutherford Organization to recreate what he believes to be the TRUE Germany. A powerful empire that unites the German people, but without the hate and destruction caused by Hitler and his misguided Fascist ways. Backstory: Born in Berlin, Sven was the son of a well-read historian, who actually ran a museum in the city. Sven grew up surrounded by all times of human history, and became particularly enthralled with the religious myths and legends of Europe and the Middle East. When he came of age, Sven went to university, studying and achieving several degrees in Archaeology, History, Theology, and mythological studies. When the Great War broke out in 1914, Sven was recruited by the German General Staff to aid in a series of secret research projects headquartered in the Austrian-held territory in the Balkans, where archaeologists were seeking to uncover the mysteries of various occult secrets in southeastern Europe and the territories of the Ottoman Empire. Sven saw much success in this field, but they came at too late a time to change the course of the war. In 1918, Germany and Austria-Hungary surrendered, which led to the end of Sven's projects. Seeking a way to see his research put to good use, Sven contacted the Entente governments, who put him in contact with one Dr. Victor Rutherford. Together, the two used Sven's research, and Dr. Rutherford's pull with the British government, to form the basis of the Rutherford Organization. Over the years, Sven acted more as the active leader of the Organization, overseeing the activities of field research and artifact recovery, while Victor acted as the liaison to the British government. In 1934, Victor went missing without a single trace as to where, and Sven was forced to take up the mantle as the sole leader of the Rutherford Organization, forming a sort-of Council with the eldest members, to help organize and keep the project running. Other: N/A...for now. [/hider]