[img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/4e/88/a7/4e88a70e702ce0d44bf7b8ed2d9768c1.jpg[/img] Name: Luka Hitachii Age: 17 / Second Year Type: The shy kid. Gender: Male Sexual Orientation: Closeted gay. Personality: Sweet, kind, and compassionate. He's usually the one who buys you candy when you're feeling down. Likes: video games, music, animals, and nature. Dislikes: bullies. Bio: Often times is seen sitting alone, scribbling in his notebook. He's a very deep thinker and his feelings get hurt quite easily. He really doesn't have many friends since he's new to the school but is gracious to those who show him kindness. Due to his boyish good looks, he was persuaded by another host club member to join the club. Who knows, maybe he'll finally find friends!