[center][h2][color=slategray]Ryu[/color][/h2][/center] [color=slategray]"It's alright Sawa, and that is true. Rather not anger the magician too, otherwise you might make me disappear too like your slipper trick. That is, if you can touch me...and you sure you're up for another match so quick? Thought wind guy over there or ice cube would like to have another brawl with the police...oh well, if you insist. We'll be watching and will be sure to send someone up to assist if things go south."[/color] Ryu grabs a wooden stool to sit on as he takes out another candy cig to light and smoke a bit. The minty breeze going through the lounge area for a bit as he keeps watching the video feed interested. For some reason...there was salt flying around? Attacking both groups? Plus, Gi was in the middle of the two groups when the salt storm started coming in, not a great place to be in during chaos. Well, that isn't so great... [color=slategray]"...someone should have probably went with Gi before he headed off. Guessing he's buds with those gangsters...or most likely in the group too. Hope he doesn't try to recruit us, rather focus on doing these side missions and such instead. Sawa, you keep an eye on Charolette in case she does anything suspicious and try to figure out who's behind this mess too? The salt mess...kinda a weird Qurik but intriguing nevertheless. Maybe a new villain to pick up too? I'll try to see if there's anything in this place that'll help us identify the hero that's coming and this new gang."[/color] Ryu starts going off for a bit to his room to see if he can find anything useful until he just realized the very large package...and the note. [color=slategray]"...really...a bomb...can't be too hard to go through...anyone here good with bombs? Just curious."[/color] [hr] [h2][center]Outside[/center][/h2] The cops were now blindly firing over the hoods of there cars at the target/guy who blindly charged at them. Sure, they were blindfiring...but doesn't mean that their target was able to see either. Two of them actually entered the back and front seat of one of their police cars to shoot out their windows from lowering it just a little bit to get a better visual of sorts. The one in the front however was making a call: "There are people with Quirks over here! We need more than Bearded Bear! Please send another hero HQ and more backup!" In a short distance away, a SWAT van of sorts was coming down the street, alarms blaring. However, on top of it...was a rather large man. He seemed to have a large bear skin with its mouth on his head, the body of the cape/hood was flowing behind him. Underneath his chin was a rather large and flowing beard as he was only wearing a loincloth to show off his bulging muscles and chest hair. The hero seemed to have perfect balance of sorts on top of the van as it speeded toward the scene rather quickly. Inside the base, another warning came up on the TV stating: [color=yellow][i]HERO PRESENT AT SCENE WITH POLICE REINFORCEMENTS, HERO APPROACHING[/i][/color] [@pkken][@sharksama] [@Barioth] [@Rune_Alchemist] [@Wasted Ink] [@FallenTrinity][@Cuccoruler][@Pirouette][@Weird Tales][@easy modo]