Vert watched the TV and put two fingers to her temple. "Well this is great. Now there's a hero here. Hope we got some thick concrete." Vert then finished her omelette putting down the plate next to the sink and walking towards the couches in the lounge area. "I would get involved, but I'm afraid that I can't handle that much salt. Too much for my palette." Vert said as she slid onto the couch from behind. "So these mission things, is it we all take one, or do we all take separate ones? Cause if that's the case then I'm the only one doing the idol thing apparently." Vert mentioned as she motioned towards the mission board for the others to look at. She didn't really want to be the only one to extort an idol. She only hoped that someone else would be willing to help. The shark would certainly be interesting watch on such a mission. "Anyone else with me on the idol mission?" Vert asked as she looked towards the others.