[hider=Ingrim Nesfit] [b]Character Name:[/b] Ingrim Nesfit [b]Race:[/b] Gnome [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 63 [b]Appearance:[/b] Reaching to the prime height of his race, Ingrim reaches to the skies with his 3'6" little body. Plain and simple, he is short, but what else can you expect from this race? An older gnome, Ingrim was born with short snow white hair with a glorious handlebar mustache to signify his rather strange appearance as his clothing resemble that of a ring master from a circus. Yep, tail coat and the top hat included, Ingrim also carries around a spell imbued walking cane and metallic gauntlet with his generally black and red, golden trimmed clothing. [b]Personality and Motivations:[/b] He is weird, I'm just going to say right now that this character is just plain strange and rather awkward to be around when he speaks to anyone. He generally acts like a ring master, pompous, boisterous, and generally an attention hog. Ingrim, while sounding and most likely being a huge bother to everyone around him is quite kind as well. He likes putting on a show with his many creations, but he does it to help others around him... Generally. In the end, he is eccentric and possibly insane, but has a somewhat golden heart within that tiny body. Also, his motivation to enter this little dungeon crawl is to gather more resources and gold to create more magical objects, and old decrepit dungeons always has stuff to raid and loot for adventurers! [b]Class and Alignment:[/b] Neutral Artificer [b]History:[/b] Ingrim is a wandering adventurer, himself and his constructs roam the lands to entertain, fight, and gain money in the process. Gnomes have always had a knack for being rather playful and curious to boot which make adventuring wanderlust gnomes quite common in the line of business. Ingrim wasn't too different from the average gnome, but his affinity to magical construction raised a few eyebrows. The gnome focused more on constructing other beings to fight for him rather than his own body as getting hit with blunt and sharp weapons tend to kill people. It was only until a wandering circus had set up near his town that finally gave him the last push to finalize his plans of leaving his town to adventure, and that encounter has influenced some things about him. So, he left and is now on the road with his constructs acting almost like a wandering circus... A wondering circus that can murder you with their dangerous weapons, but if you are a nice person they won't murder you. Generally, he just makes money off strangers preforming and doing quest to further expand his little menagerie of magical constructs to bring more fun to the world and also more power to defend and attack other people. [b]Equipment:[/b] [b]On person:[/b] [list] [*]Magical Cane - A short walking cane with a blue orb on the top which can fire out a Cone of Cold, can be fired three times a day and recharges at night. [*]Magical Gauntlet - A metal gauntlet that is imbued with Dragon's Breath which fires out a cone of fire, can be fired three times a day and recharges at night. [*]Bag - Assorted magical concoctions, empty scrolls, and basic survival equipment including a small journal and some ink. [*]Crossbow - Just a crossbow, nothing too awe inspiring but a decent long ranged weapon that can do some damage. [/list] [b]Constructs[/b] [list] [*]Zip Zap - A metal dog reaching to the height of two feet is comprised of iron with their jaws lined with serrated blades of steel. Imbued with magic for their bites to send a powerful shock through the body. [*]Match Stick - A metal dog reaching to the height of two feet is comprised of iron with their jaws lined with serrated blades of steel. Imbued with magic for their bites to burst in flames on contact. [*]Pupsicle - A metal dog reaching to the height of two feet is comprised of iron with their jaws lined with serrated blades of steel. Imbued with magic for their bites to freeze the area on contact. [*]Cross - A walking crossbow, this tiny construct is perched on the shoulder of the Ingrim that carries twenty bolts and fires at anything the master says so. [*]Bow - A walking crossbow, this tiny construct is perched on the shoulder of the Ingrim that carries twenty bolts and fires at anything the master says so. [*]Pack-Man - A walking chest with arms, this rather unsightly creation has several compartments to store a fair amount of objects, but it excels in supporting roles as it can forcibly remove objects by the owners will. This includes extra ammo, potions, and even stored weapons that scurries along the battlefield. [*]Smokey The Thief - An 18 inch humanoid shadow, this little thing isn't meant for combat but for sneaking in the background to steal from unsuspecting enemies. They are fast, tiny, and can move almost undetectable in the darkness with a knack for stealing without anyone the wiser. [/list] [b]Skills and Spells:[/b] Nothing magical going on here, sure he can create magical items but no magic here. Nope. Well, he can create magical items... So I would actually say lots of potential spells that can be imbued in objects but nothing of the sort at the moment. [b]Miscellaneous:[/b] [hider=Ingrim Nesfit (Golem Not Included)] [img]http://i.imgur.com/MWYVOF1l.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Zip Zap, Match Stick, and Pupsicle] [img]http://i.imgur.com/AQtdTwGl.png[/img] [/hider] [hider=Cross&Bow] [img]http://i.imgur.com/84WBepH.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Pack-Man] [img]http://i.imgur.com/2m74ZAj.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Smokey The Thief] [img]http://i.imgur.com/EDPT5Zu.png[/img] [/hider] [/hider]