[center][h1][color=Lightblue]Alex Rossmoore[/color][/h1] [h3]In Taxi Heading To Mesalon[/h3] [@Heckno12][/center] [hr] [hr] It was the same part of the dream. Over and over again. He knew there was something past the Chandelure and him blacking out, but he couldn't put his finger on it. Each time he blacked out, he would wake up with a jolt to find himself in the back of the same taxi, on the same uneven dirt road. It was eventually torturing him reliving the same painful moment on loop, with no way out of it, except to stay awake for the remainder of the 2 hour drive, which was unlikely. The words his abusive father kept replaying throughout his mind, like the resonating ripples of water when a pebble is dropped into it. The driver of the taxi looked over at Alex as he awoke for the 13th time during the ride. [color=blue]"Ey. Kid you alright? That like the 20th time you've done that."[/color] The man seemed truly concerned, but Alex felt no obligation to tell the driver about his past. [color=Lightblue]"I'm... Im fine."[/color] he said sternly, getting the point across to the man. Every couple minutes the gay would move his mouth to speak, but would stop himself with a cut off gasp, and continue driving. He wanted to do something to break the silence, but wasn't very good with small talk. [color=blue]"So... Ah. What's in Mesalon?"[/color] The driver asked awkwardly. Alex wanted to avoid conversation as much as possible, but it looked like he couldn't get out that one. [color=Lightblue]"Some friends of mine. I was supposed to meet up with them yesterday, but I got held behind."[/color] Alex felt his eyes start to try to shut themselves again. [color=blue]"Oh. That sucks. So are you new around here?... Kid? Are you-?"[/color] He looked over to see Alex's eyes shut, his body shifting uncomfortably, clearly going through another nightmare. [hr] Alex shot up from his seat again, panting heavily in cold sweat. This time not to him blacking out, but to the loud horn of a car. Specifically, the taxi he was currently in. [color=blue]"Ride's over, Kid,"[/color] Alex began to fumble through his back for his card, which had his money stored in his account.", [color=blue]"Nah, don't sweat it kid. This one's on me."[/color] Alex nodded, [color=Lightblue]"Thank you, sir."[/color] He said, stepping out of the taxi. He watched it drive off, before turning around to see a mass of people in front of the Mesalon hospital. He released Beldum out of its Pokéball, letting it float freely. The group of people only seemed to get bigger as he neared the hospital. He could hear much form the multiple people trying to tell over each other at the same time. Among the voices of the multiple news reporters, he was able to here a disconnected string of words, [i]Recent attack... multiple children involved... Detective Hammer... Rheese Laudat to be interviewed..."[/i] There it was. That was the kid who's Wooper Beldum smashed through the professor's door. He rushed through the crowd of people, somehow getting to the front doors without getting swallowed by the multiple clusters of Detective Hammer fan girls. He ran up to the front desk. There stood a woman with pale skin, and red hair, a chansey by her side. [color=Lightblue]"I need to see Rheese Laudat!"[/color] The nurse raised a brow at him. That's what everyone wanted for the past 15 minutes. [color=Lightblue]"Please! It's urgent, he's a good friend of mine."[/color] To her, this boy was unlike the others though. With a small sigh, she went to flip through some pages of a nearby binder. [color=lightpink]"He's in room 103, first floor."[/color] Alex ran towards the room, saying 'thank you' as he zoomed past. [i]101... 102... 103![/i]. He came to a halt, slowly opening the door. Sure enough, Rheese was lying on the bed, awake. He let out a sigh of relief. [color=Lightblue]"Thank god you're ok! What the hell happened?! I went to go take a piss and I come back to find an ambulance zooming down the street, and all of you gone. And speaking of which, is everyone else ok?"[/color]