[@Song Book] The brilliant and large white wolf acted as soft as a domesticated puppy as the girl began petting him. Unrecognisable from the beast that was relentlessly tearing the animated monsters limb from limb. His eyes lit up and he reached out with a sloppy dog tongue to lick her curious face. A moment later his ears pricked up and his head darted to the side as a new smell entered the room. Alert, the wolf stood back up. A soft whimper escaping as it moved its injured side. But this smell took precedence over all else, over the joyous petting, the pain of injuries, the aroma a food. None of that compared to or held importance next to the presence of a cat... Excitedly the wolf looks back to the girl as if expecting her to be just as enthused as he. It whines as it looks around trying to eye the source of its distress. [@Nightingale95]