[@DriveEMOut][@Silverlight138][@Oliver] [center][h3][color=ed145b]Claudia[/color][/h3][/center] Claudia waited for someone else to introduce themselves, hopefully not to be disrupted by that irritable goblin Evelyn, cute name yes. With an expectant smile she merely continued to observe. Right from the start she had noticed the poor blonde boy was stumbling about as though he were dizzy or ill. He could pass out at any moment, in fact, he was about to as Claudia hopped over to grab him. Thankfully another had noticed the youngling about to make close acquaintance with the floor, and just her luck, it was that adorable Asian girl she was lusting over earlier. [color=ed145b]~"Oh my, you poor dear!"~[/color] Claudia cooed kneeling down, resting a hand on his blonde mop in a rather sweet and motherly way. [color=ed145b]~"You don't look so good. Are you okay?"~[/color] She tenderly felt of his forehead. No fever. Obviously he was malnourished. Claudia patted the boy's head with a friendly smile then turned to the girl. Ah, such a cute face. [color=ed145b]~"Good thing you caught him in time, darling. How very noble of you. I don't suppose you know me already, but I'd love to know your name, sweetie."~[/color] Her smile was a slight sultry as she took off her sunglasses, revealing her dazzling crystal blue eyes. "Shall we all move to the dining hall? I suppose Miss Claudia and myself would like to get acquainted with everyone." She winked at her. Claudia giggled blushing. "Besides, free food is best food, and this kid here could use some." [color=ed145b]~"Right he could, my dear. Shall we?"~[/color] Claudia led the way with a grin. A swanky place like this, the food was bound to be exquisite. Ah but a lovely afternoon meal to Claudia was but the appetizer to the [i]main course[/i], a taste Claudia desired most as she smiled to the snow white beauty. [center][h3][color=ed1c24]Evelyn[/color][/h3][/center] Unbeknownst to her, the [i]goblin[/i] was watching the whole scene through bored, lazy looking eyes, eyes that basically asked the question, [i]What the fuck?[/i] [color=ed1c24]"Yuppers. Day one and she's already trying to get in someone's pants. Hate to see that cunt go through Silent Hill."[/color] Evelyn grumbled in agreement with Aaren's offside statement. She bent down to unzip her duffel bag. It was mostly her clothes, band shirts from bands like Slipknot (obviously), some Metallica and other metal bands, a Rob Zombie tank top she slept in, and a black hoodie with a Sigil of Baphomet on the front and [i]In Sorte Diaboli[/i] printed on the back. Underneath the pile of clothes she fished out a cigarette and a lighter, clenching it between her lips. [color=ed1c24]"I'm Ev by the way."[/color] Evelyn said lighting up and taking a drag of her cigarette. [color=ed1c24]"Just in case you didn't get that earlier."[/color] She smiled wryly to him, but upon noticing his teeth, razor sharp she was a bit flushed. [color=ed1c24]"Ooh~ nice teeth! You gonna [i]bite[/i] me with those?"[/color] She gave the guy a suggestive look, only to chuckle zipping her bag back up. [color=ed1c24]"Just fuckin' with ya, man! Let's go!"[/color] She smiled snatching up her duffel bag and guitar case. Hopefully this place had a room with some good acoustics so she could shred all day. Well...that and hang out with Aaren, since he was a cool guy off the bat. She digged that obsidian piercing too.