[hider=Jack Davis] Name:Jack Davis Age:20 Sex: Male Nationality: American Appearance: John Mathew Davis looks like the stereotypical American young man. His face is clean shaven and clear of any scars. His hair is straw blonde and kept clean shaven to his head. It is the standard hair cut for an American soldier. However, his eyes are deep brown showing partial Arabian heritage. He is generally fit from years of boxing and running. He shows his youth. Jack looks younger then he really is. It is not odd to see him with a tall white Stetson hat. Jack look almost identical to his father. Outward Personality: If you were to look at Jack, most people would just see a dumb soldier out of his league. He speaks with a thick Texan accent and always seems to be smiling like a fool. He seems to be a dull witted American soldier. Most people tend to ignore him since he looks like a thug with a gun. People tend to ignore his contributions to the group. Inner Personality: Jack Davis is not some sort of thug with a gun. He is quite intelligent when he wants to be. He is fluent in Arabic and Japanese from being taught by his childhood tutor and his father's bodyguard respectively. He always loved learning history but he did not have the patience to get a degree in archaeology or whatever else. He can name the third pharaoh of the Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt but since he does not have the paper to cover it. He has a list of artifacts that he would love to try to find. He has his eyes set on the The Book Of Thoth and the Senji Ryakketsu (The Summary to Judgements of Divinations). Jack is also a hidden homosexual. Backstory: Jack Davis was born in Cairo, Egypt. His mother was a local and his father a prominent American Egyptology expert. Soon after he was born, his mother just vanished never to be seen or heard from again. His father decided to stay in Egypt to focus on his work. Jack was raised by a set of people his father had around him. He hired a stern English nanny to keep the boy under control but she never seemed successful. His father's Japanese bodyguard Kenji seemed to have better luck keeping him under control. Kenji helped the boy learn how to control his boundless energy. He taught the boy Japanese and taught him of the legends of the islands. Unlike many of his countrymen Kenji disagreed with his emperor's tendencies. His father's chief digger Hasan, took up the role as Jack's tutor. Since John Davis Senior wanted to keep his son safe, that meant Jack had to stay with Hasan. Hasan taught Jack how to box and how to survive in the desert. He took it upon himself to teach Jack how to speak Arabic. He even got Jack into a boxing match on the Great Pyramid which he won. Jack spent a good chunk of his life going from one dig site to the next. He learned Arabic from the diggers and the camp workers. He learned to love his birth country even though he always wanted to head to his father's home. When he was 15, he finally got his wish. His father had gotten a job at Harvard so that meant heading back to the states. However, Jack always had missed his old home. Cambridge was nothing like Cairo. Four years ago, he decided to enlist in the Army. College life was not for him and he wanted to fight for his father's country. Before he could see any battle, he was transferred to the Rutherford Organization.His father had a little sway with the group since he had helped them before with research. Now Jack was sent all around the world. He finally had his old adventurous life. Other: Fluent in English, Arabic, and Japanese. Is quick with a rifle and a sword. Is a rather good boxer. [/hider]