[quote=@Beloss] [@KoL] Alrighty then. At some point we will have a right propa footrace though. For Walgrave, fair enough. At this early point in the story Walgrave has no way of even remotely suspecting that Atlanta has his number already, so, depending on how early she tries to off him I may try to do a 'Sheer blind luck' event to have him survive the first attempt. Depending on how plausible it is of course. Otherwises he's pretty much a sitting duck until he has some reason to suspect that someone is actively targeting him. [/quote] Actually, for footraces Atalanta doesn't even need that skill to win. Atalanta was the fastest mortal of the Age of the Gods on Typemoon lore, so she can outrun anyone without even needing Aesthetics of the Last Spurt to win. Which is actually why I wondered what to do of that skill. Most likely it's there just to explain something that Atalanta did on Apocypha, if that much, just like Diarmuid's Knight's Tactics is there just to explain his style of combat tat induced Saber to comit a mistake that was almost fatal on Zero. That's why I was trying to figure how to use that Skill, after all, even if it was born of the legend of the race, Atalanta doesn't need it to outrace people when she's summoned as Archer.