[hider=Andrik Nordin] Character Name: Andrik Nordin Race: Vaulter (basically human and almost literally a tall dwarf.) wiki entry: [url]http://endlesslegend.gamepedia.com/Vaulters[/url] One minute video: [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebth__FHFXM[/url] Gender: Male Age: 34 [hider=Appearance:] on the right [img]http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/314495416027712086/0CCF8E293FC32F6F64E8B446B5705B90D37053C0/[/img] [/hider] Personality and Motivations: Andrik is one of many scouts chosen by his clan to leave the frozen wastes of the north where the vaulters emerged and have made home. His mission is to explore the southern lands for the purpose of gaining, recording and then returning with knowledge of the peoples and places he finds. He does this so that his people may know of the new world and be prepared for what it contains when more of them venture south to escape the freezing north. As such his goal is to travel and acquire as many writings, artifacts, accounts and first hand experiences with the various cultures and creatures of the land. However modes of transport and literature require money and as such he has put to use his military training to do mercenary work. Getting first hand experience with the dangers of the world is good for his mission anyway, so he is more than happy with this situation. Andrik Nordin is a naturally inquisitive individual in a scholarly sense, everything must be investigated, questioned and document, which is why, along with his training and skill, he was chosen for his mission. motivation for this event in particular: personal encounter with the un-dead to gauge their threat, learn what causes them to rise and also a chance to talk to someone in power. Class and Alignment: Lawful good warrior/scout [hider=History:] Tl:dr race history. Vaulters lived in vast underground vaults in separate clans till an unnatural earthquake strikes and forces them to flee to the surface, said quake briefly unveils ancient technologies and some are taken to the surface. They then organize into a single faction and start to explore the new frozen land they have emerged into. After learning that there is a vast land that they know nothing about they organised scouting expeditions. Eventually a few are given the task of going out and seeing as much of the world as possible and then returning Andrik Nordin sets of with his armor, weapons, backpack and an artifact capable of recording vast amounts of data. Travels south, providing guard duty for trade caravans and learning from all he encounters Gained the talisman defending a monastery where he was researching The necklace a gift from an aquatic people he met while crossing an ocean. The flask purchased at great expense from an odd merchant. The bracelet and iron rod were found in a ruin that a cult had taken up residence in which he was payed to clear out. Interrupted a ritual by said cultists which ended up affecting him instead, purple scales have grown on his for arms, lower legs, chest and neck and have enhanced him in unnatural ways. Has learned from various hunters and rangers to adapt his general perceptiveness and scouting talent to the art of tracking. [/hider] [hider=Equipment:] Heavy armor Crossbow, can be used one handed. Round shield Spear A small ice pickax generally used to assist in climbing. Rudimentary mining explosives. Rope, rations, bandages and other general adventuring equipment Magic slate for recording all that he encounters. stored in a specialized padded, armored and airtight container when not in use. Backpack of yet to be copied books and scriptures as well as the slate and several magic or simply interesting artifacts. generally waterproof. A belt with pouches used to hold the shock rod, flask, pick and spare crossbow bolts As a result of his exploration Andrik has come into the possession of a number of magic artifacts. A small iron bar that holds an electric charge that can briefly stun anyone stabbed with it. A leather handle protects the user but isn't very good at it, potentially shock yourself A talisman of virgo that can project a nigh invulnerable shield around him for 10 seconds, however just as nothing can go in nothing can come out, you can't attack while using this other than tackling. 1 uses before recharging. A necklace of coral that lets the user breath underwater A rune covered metal flask that will refill itself every night with whatever substance it was last filled with, but makes it tastes horrible and thus it difficult not to spit the drink out instead of swallowing. currently holds a potion that gives the drinker frost breath. 4 uses before recharging. [/hider] Skills and Spells: Dark vision. Expert marksman. Tracking. Generally resistant to the cold. More stealthy than a man in armor has any right to be. The enchantment/mutation makes him stronger than a normal human, allowing him to run faster than he should in heavy armor, as if he wasn't wearing it. His blows have more force behind them and he can rewind his crossbow considerably faster. Miscellaneous: Magic sickness, using a magic item disallows the use of others as it makes him feel ill to use that much power at once. Basically he is that one unit you use to explore the map at the start of a 4x game [/hider]