[center][h1][color=FireBrick]New Location!!![/color][/h1] [IMG]http://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/61dad2df-6316-4815-981d-e2db6a797725.jpg[/IMG][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Tefan Village [b]Location Type:[/b] Village [b]Pokemon Types:[/b] Fairy, Dragon, Psychic, Fire, Fighting, Ghost, Flying, Normal, Ground, Dark [b]Lore:[/b] Far to the South of Both Feyhollow Town and Central City is the mighty volcano known as Mount Jerimus, where it is said Groudon himself rests. This volcano is home to many different types of Pokemon, most notably Fire and Dragon types who live around the volcano’s crater and near its peak, while Fairy, Dark, and Ground types make their homes in and around various caves found all over. Inside the volcano is where the more gutsy Fire types can be found, mostly living around the inner edge of the crater, but they have been known to venture out of their lava heated home in search of both food and challenging fights. Also known to live near the crater are a variety of Fighting types, though they live all up and down the dormant volcano, the heat the lava gives off providing an excellent endurance training area for them. Hikers have also claimed to see the legendary cat Entei around the volcano’s crater and even on the island of stone near the lava lake’s center, but there has been no way to confirm it. Near the village is a graveyard that contains both the passed on of people and Pokemon from Tefan Village, and as such become a home for many different Ghost types, who enjoy coming out at night to pull a prank on passing living people or other Pokemon. If one listens closely durint the late hours of the night, one can hear the cry of Giratina, the Ghost Dragon type. Psychic types were brought in in an attempt to counter the both dangerous and entertaining Ghosts and eventually took to living and breeding locally. In and around the village is where you will often find a plethora of Flying and Normal type pokemon, who opt to stay away from the Volcano due to all the other types that live there. [hr] [h3]Tefan Village Poke Mart[/h3] [i]A small, cosy little shop on the northern edge of town closest to the volcano for quick access to busy trainers.[/i] [hider=Items in Stock][indent] [b]*Poke Ball:[/b] 5 points: Beginner Item - Use this item to catch bottom tier Pokemon in your area. [b]*Rare Candy:[/b] 5 points: Beginner Item - Use this item to raise the level of one Pokemon. [b]*Potion:[/b] 5 points: Beginner Battle Item - Use this item to heal 10 HP of one Pokemon. [/indent] [/hider] [hr] [h3]Tefan Village Mission Board[/h3] [i]A large board against a stone wall in the village center, framed by the drawings of the village children. On this board, townspeople in need of assistance from trainers for various reasons leave requests in the form of posters. To accept, trainers are to take these requests from the board to the town hall.[/i] [hider=Available Missions][b][i]The wall is currently empty.[/i][/b] [/hider] [hr]