Approved by [@CrazyShadowy] [center][img][/img] [h3][color=ed145b]"Oh my! Aren't you a cute little thing!"~[/color][/h3] [h1][color=ed145b]~Claudia DeFeren~[/color][/h1][/center] [b]Full Name:[/b] Claudia Lucille Amelie DeFeren [color=ed145b]~"But you can just call me Claudia, dear. So nice to meet you."~[/color] [b]Age:[/b] Unknown (Appears to be in her early thirties) [color=ed145b]~"You know, it's quite rude to ask a woman of her age."~[/color] [b]Gender:[/b] Female [color=ed145b]~"My, what an odd question, my dear. I do believe I'm a woman"~[/color] [b]Species:[/b] Vampire [color=ed145b]~"Don't worry, sweetie. I won't bite...unless you [i]want[/i] me to."~[/color] [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] [color=ed145b]~"Mmm, you like what you see?"~[/color] Claudia has a very voluptuous figure, round, curvy hips and quite an ample bust she proudly displays. Her long shimmering red hair, as smooth as silk, flows gracefully over her round shoulders and down her backside past her rump. She tends to wear it down alot too, only on occasions pinning it up in a sloppy bun. Her rosy cheeks and ruby red lips glow against her creamy white complexion, as do her sapphire blue eyes sparkle with a lust for life. Indeed, she is a beauty to behold. [b]Backstory:[/b] [color=ed145b]~"Hehe, now I can't tell you all my secrets, honey."~[/color] [b]Personality:[/b] [color=ed145b]~"Sugar, spice, and everything nice."~[/color] Claudia is a very jovial and carefree woman. She loves to laugh, drink, dance, sing, and flirt, especially with other women. She has a vibrant personality that seems to charm everyone around her and lift their spirits, but if you cross her, she can be quite the fire storm. [b]Likes:[/b] -Drinking wine -Taking hot baths -Women -Reading books -Playing piano -Dressing provocatively -The smell of chamomile, roses, and lavender [b]Dislikes[/b] -Swearing -Men in general -Cigar smoke -Enclosed spaces (Claustraphobic) -Hard liquors [b]Clothing[/b] [hider=Day outfit] [img][/img] During the day, Claudia wears a green dress with a hooded cloak, a pair of lace up boots and gloves. While simple, yet stylish, the hood protects her face from the harsh glare of the sun as well as giving her that [i]mysterious beauty[/i] look. She only wears the hood when she is outdoors of course.[/hider] [hider=Night outfit] [img][/img] [img][/img] During the night, Claudia loves to wear a sheer, silk nightgown to bed (sometimes she'll wear nothing to bed). Though loose fitting, it still accentuates every curve of her beautiful body. If she has company over during the evening or she's just curled up beside the fire with a good book, she'll modestly cover herself with a silk, floral print robe.[/hider] [b]House:[/b] [hider=Claudia's Nest] [color=ed145b]~"Oh, why hello, darling! Welcome to my lovely home!"~[/color] [center][h3]Hearthstone Manor[/h3] [img][/img][/center] [i]You had met the lovely maiden upon your travels one night, quietly observing her, as you would a graceful fawn, in the verdant meadows of the Windy Hills. She bathed in a small stream, happily humming to herself, blisfully unaware of your presence. Your eyes, how they admired the woman, how the moon glistened upon her moist skin as she splashed cool water upon her face and body. Suddenly, her eyes catch yours. She gasps, coyly closing her hands over her breasts and her other...unmentionables, but you had already gotten a peak of her natural splendor. Your face is red and burning hot as you make haste before she retaliates. Somehow later, she catches up to you. She is dressed now, but the image of her nude is still burned into your mind as again you are blushing. She smiles rather mischievously, asking if you enjoyed what you saw. Bashfully, you answered yes. She found you to be quite lovely as well the moment she laid eyes upon you. She then asks you if you would like to accompany her home. The place is rather intimidating to you when you first see it. The manor stands tall and proud between the Windy Hills and yonder Thunder Woods, a spectacular view of the green larches, pines and oaks amidst the mighty snowy mountains towering in the distance. A cold chill graces your skin. It's either the downdraft coming from the mountain or...just an uneasy feeling. She takes your hand softly, her smile so gentle and radiant as she welcomes you inside. You smile in return, albeit nervously, and close the door behind you.[/i] [center][img][/img][/center] [i]The night you spent with the woman was one you will never forget, the way she took you into her arms, kissing you with so much passion, caressing every inch of your body with her delicate hands. You shiver pleasurably remembering it all. But you remember another detail to such a wild, romantic night. The woman had bit you on your neck. It hurt at first, but the warmth of her breath eased the pain as she enjoyed savoring the drops of your precious blood. A vampire. She was a vampire. Your fingertips grace the tiny wounds. They sting a little bit. You hear the woman downstairs humming to herself, such a quaint, happy melody. She was pleased with the night just as you were. You smile and pick your clothes up off the floor, dressing shortly. Her home is very lovely and cozy you think as you descend the stairs. She awaits you, dressed only in her silk night robe, parting slightly to give you another generous peek of her lovely figure. She lounges across the plush sofa in the living room, her languid, blue eyes buried in a book. She looks up and smiles, a smile even warmer than the crackling hearth she's nestled beside. She closes her book, whispering,[/i] [color=ed145b]~"Good morning, my love. Did you have a wonderful sleep?"~[/color][/hider] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Though she is a vampire, Claudia is only affected by a few common vampire weaknesses. She can still ingest garlic, albeit in moderate amounts, and she can still traverse through sunlight, only for a short amount of time before she begins to feel weary, light-headed, and at some points nauseous. Prolonged exposure to sunlight may even cause her to faint or her skin to blister painfully, but this is only in the case of direct contact with her skin. Religious paraphernalia if touched to her skin will cause minor burns and the sight of such can cause her to have splitting migraines and even lash out angrily. Naturally though, a stake to the heart can kill her instantly. The same goes with forcing her to swallow holy water. [b]Powers:[/b] [i][b]~Shape-Shifting~[/b][/i] As with most Nosferatu, Claudia has the ability to change shape into almost anything. Her most common alternate-form is of a black cat, but she can also form into a bat (naturally) or a cloud of dark mist. ~Vampire Allurement~ With just a simple look into her eyes or a batting of her eyelashes, a soft smirk included, Claudia can gain control of someone and lure them to her subconciously. Of course, it's only effective if the intended target is of weak will, but she is rather persistent in her...endeavors.