[@Holy Grail] I know you have back ups ready to go, but I just want to make one thing clear-- That doesn't really secure anything. I'll be totally honest, I'm not a big fan of the "Throw as Many Ideas at the Wall as Possible and Hope One Sticks" approach to trying to muscle one's way into an RP with limited spots. I would have much preferred if you came to me with a single, well thought out idea instead of several concepts. [@jasonwolf] Looks good so far. Just a few things I would ask (though I know you said it's not quite finished) -- Make sure you mention his impeccable slowness in his Super Fighting Robot ability. -- Could you center the youtube videos and convert them to video form using the v= code? -- I was picturing a giant legless robot with a knight-looking head and torso, similar to the ones in Skyward Sword, but you mentioned he's carrying his excess Peahat oil on his thighs? Can you clarify what sort of form he has a little more?