"Texts from Last Night" is a thread based on silly, funny, or serious texts that people have sent and were posted on the internet OR you can make up your own. The object of this is to have fun and spark new and fun topics. You can reply however you want, just remember, it's supposed to resemble a text message. There are a few rules: -no bullying OOC (if it's part of your TfLN, it's acceptable). -all TfLN's are IC posts. If you happen to find one that's particularly funny, sad, whatever, please separate your OOC comment with a /comment/ style so other players know you're speaking OOC. Side note: I will start out the thread so everyone can have an example of what I'm talking about. -Glitch <3 If you need an idea, here's the actual website: http://www.textsfromlastnight.com/