[h2][center]The Temptress[/center][/h2] [h3][center]Loom- Afternoon[/center][/h3] [i][center]Ian, Lashriel[/center][/i] Many had come, it was certainly a start. The oppressed flocked to her arms. The downtrodden, the abused, those tired of serving the humans. Those who suffered from the council’s disease. She would heal them. Metatron stirred beside her. The hulking Seraphim had been at her side since she had freed him from a prison four years ago. The work of one of the Academy’s mages had put her there almost a century ago. Her beautiful voice had called Metatron from the depths of his depravity and self pity to be something worth while. She had raised him from those depths and then raised him to his heights by helping him to reclaim his lost selves. Metatron had always been a fighter, a follower of those great few who had gained his respect and now he followed her. Lashriel. Finally she unfolded her arms and the crowd silenced itself. “Brothers and sisters. Thank you for joining me today.” Her voice was the definition of beauty as her english was curved around a tongue that had been raised speaking russian. Even though she had reclaimed all her past lives and really did not have the accent should wish it; she kept it as a reminder of how she had gotten here. “I know everyone of you came here today wondering if I am the genuine article. I would be skeptical myself in your place.” She smiled meeting their eyes like a loving mother to her children. “I know that all of you are in pain, and that it is not your doing. It those who you served, who you bend to, who you are oppressed by.” There were murmurs of agreement but they quieted down again soon enough. “I promised you that I would help and that is exactly what I will do for everyone of you. I shall help you.” Many looked at each other skeptically. “The council ruined life for all of us. Save the privileged few.” She gestured to all of them “The rest have been left to suffer.” She narrowed her eyes “As though it were not bad enough that Judas should enslave and conquer as he did, we were left to fend for ourselves and help the pathetic humans. Separated forever from Heaven. And yet the humans have their home and the demons still frolick, feed and take their base pleasures in their Hell [i]and now on the surface?![/i]. What is left for us?!” There was a grumble of assent at the validity of the words. “It is time to take what is ours and I can give each of you the power to do that. I can cleanse the dark angels….and I can help you to reclaim your memories...Without the risk.” A chorus of whispers rippled through the crowd. Was she serious? “Not all of you will become Seraphims. But a few will. The rest of you will remember at the least five of your past lives, which will be much more than the rest of the traitor angels remember. It is time to take back what is ours!” She looked out at them with fire in her eyes “Who’s with me?” There was silence for a moment... ...Before the empty warehouse erupted in cheers She smirked before whispering in russian to Metatron “Tell Raziel that we have begun, and then summon Purah back from Moscow. We will need her help.” ----- Ian sat perched in the rafters. This was the definition of bad and far more progressed than The Academy had ever expected. Unfortunately she was not doing anything illegal and she had not suggested [i]How[/i] she was planning on carry things out. So there was very little for the musician to do other than observe. Drawing on his Veil Ian slipped back into the shadows. Running along the rafters he slipped out from underneath the eaves of the warehouse. [i]Time to find some back up. This is getting out of hand.[/i]