[b]Nation name = The Confederated Tribes of Dayak[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/sEVisEW.png[/img] [b]Ruler's Name =[/b] Grand Chief Hormun IV of the Kongal dynasty. Hormun IV was elected from the Gurlin tribe, which is the northern-most tribe on the island. He is generally festive and kind-hearted but becomes intense when it comes to the defense of the Dayak People. He is 35 years old and has been reigning since he was 16, with the early demise of his father, Hormun III. (A quick note about the government: it may seem like a monarchy, but a Grand Chief is elected from all of the chiefs of the five tribes of Dayak. Each chief of a single tribe is a hereditary title, the population votes on which chief they would like to lead the country once the current Grand Chief dies. The elected Grand Chief's tribal council and advisors become the national council, while the other tribes' council stay at a state-like level. The Kongal dynasty has retained its leadership for so long due to Gurlin's large population and Hormun the Great's lasting impression, moving some other tribes to vote for the dynasty too.) [img]http://i.imgur.com/E7XQDO8.jpg[/img] [b]Capital & Major Settlements = [/b]Current Capital: Juliat of the Gurlin tribe. [b]Other tribes and capitals: (Ordered by tribe population)[/b] Relis of the Mahiria tribe Zon of the Gishni tribe Rayna of the Deran tribe Vulkincity of the Vulkin tribe [b]Population =[/b] ~1.2 million Religion = [hider= Dayakism] (Feel free to use this in any other nations, but if no one else adopts it, it will stay as a minority language only really in Dayak) [b]Dayakism:[/b] - A religion that appeared either during or shortly after the Suubs were kicked out of Dayak. - Dayakists believe that God left this planet here as a gift for us. There is less of a Godly-feeling towards God, rather a fatherly feeling. - Dayakists don't believe that the Sentences of God were actually written by God. - They believe you can become at peace and fully take advantage of God's Gift by meditating, caring for the environment, and befriending local fauna. - They believe that once a person reaches the age of 18 they should embark on a journey dubbed a "Spiritista" to tame their 'spirit animal' from the wild that will accompany them until one of the two dies. - Most Dayakists feel that believing in God as a being that is still actively involved in our lives is foolish. - They do not believe in miracles, however, they believe if you achieve peace with God's Gift that you will be able to tame and live in harmony with beasts and nature alike. - There is no centralized religion, it is completely individual with meditation and self-improvement. However, you can often find more enlightened Dayakists who will be happy to help you with your questions. - Worship wherever they want, customarily outside. Old Dayakism, an animistic, polytheistic, pagan religion, is believed to have merged with Abandonitte to produce a reformed, monotheistic religion, Dayakism. Also, don't get me wrong, military peace is not one of their principles. They will defend to the last man whenever possible and fight off any foe to preserve their culture. [/hider] [b]History = [/b] [b]Many Sheilds Era:[/b] Many tribes were established and conquered in a bloodbath of constant wars going on on the Dayak Isle. Old Dayakism was worshiped, but not frequently. The tribes did not like each other and held feuds and decades-long wars to settle disputes. There were an estimated 5 million Dayaks on the island at this point. [b]Suubian Imperial Era:[/b] This was a hard era for the Dayaks. Not long after the first traders arrived from the Empire, armies came and rained death upon the people of Dayak. Most were forced into slavery and forced to worship Abandonitte. Much of the population was either brutally killed, forced into slavery on the island, or taken off-island to be a slave somewhere. More than 4/5 of the Dayak population vanished from the island because of the genocide and slave trade. Resistance was futile, and most Dayaks lost hope that their lands would ever be reclaimed. There was a silver lining, though, the Conquest of Dayak allowed wealth, goods, and technology to come to their island under Suub rule. If the Conquest did not happen, it is not known whether the Dayaks would have ever caught up with the rest of the world. [b]Chainmail Era:[/b] The Dayak's Chainmail Era was the opposite of their Suuban Imperial Era. When word arrived that the capital had fallen, the Suub leaders and commanders fled the island for fear of revolt. They made the right decision, as coordinated slave revolts appeared all across the island, slaughtering and forcing the Suuban nobles out. When all nobility was eradicated, self-proclaimed First Great Chief Markus the Liberator formed the Union of Dayak Tribes. Dayaks forced into slavery around the world eventually settled down into small pockets in other countries, destined to forever be a minority. Upon Markus the Liberator's death, the Union of Dayak Tribes' stability was shaken greatly, but the Confederation Pact was signed in 1024 uniting the tribes while also keeping tribal identity. The first election was held and Great Chief Jutan was the first elected Great Chief. Suub peasants that did not own slaves continued living on the island, now the minority. They were treated with great hatred and never really fully integrated. [b]Era of Plate and Fire:[/b] A (mostly) quiet era for the Dayaks, peaceful transfer of power meant the Confederation pact worked. This was mostly an era of reconstruction and improvement as a nation, with the beginnings of many infrastructure plans. [b]Present Era/Salt and Powder Era:[/b] At the dawn of the era, 1500, Hormun of Gurlin won the Dayak election. Shortly after assuming power, Hormun immediately delivered an ultimatum to the remaining Suubs who has lived peacefully since the Conquest: Leave this island or be executed. While gruesome, Hormun won the support of most Dayaks who still harbored hatred towards their former 'masters' and slaughterers. In 1505 the executions began. Over half of the Suubs had fled the nation fearing execution, but nearly 10,000 Suubs either couldn't leave because of monetary issues or believed it was a bluff. 9,500 Suubs were executed. 1505 lives forever on as the Year of Cleansing, and the Dayak population celebrated Hormun, now Hormun the Great. [b]Cultural traits =[/b] [b]Dedicated Worshipers[/b] or Dayakism. Because of the island's large Sabretooth population, and the naturistic ways of Dayakism, a Sabretooth is the commonly chosen spirit animal of Dayak. The population still harbors some underlying hate for Suuban people, but since they are not reminded of their atrocities as often as when they lived with the Suubs it has started to die down. (WIP for the culture and tabs below here:) [b]Military =[/b] Will work on this soon. [b]Characters =[/b] Will work on this soon.