[center][img]http://i238.photobucket.com/albums/ff49/Hydok/Untitled-17_zps6582c678.png[/img][/center] Kazu again tried to smile, but it was more forced than before. The attempt quickly faded until he was his usual self--appearing to be consistently bored and inattentive to whatever was going on around him. He was itching to take out his laptop and ignore the club, like he did every other day or so, just so that he could get some work done. [b]"It would be my pleasure to show you how to host."[/b] With a small sigh, he shook the other boy's hand and the first thing that popped into his head was, [i]God, his hands are so warm and soft.[/i] As soon as the thought crossed his mind, he did his best to erase it like a programming error. A set of bells rang and signaled the beginning of club activities. The other Hosts made their way in, fashionably late (as per usual), and got into their places. [b]"We do our best to greet the ladies by posing in such a way that we cannot help but look like gods among men before them. Since you're the newest Host, you should be at the front and do whatever comes naturally to you."[/b]