[h3][center][color=#BD3EC2]N[/color][color=#B344C2]o[/color][color=#AA4BC2]x[/color] [color=#9759C3]A[/color][color=#8E60C4]l[/color][color=#8467C4]i[/color][color=#7B6EC5]g[/color][color=#7275C5]n[/color][color=#687CC6]m[/color][color=#5F83C6]e[/color][color=#5589C7]n[/color][color=#5F83C6]t[/color] [color=#7275C5]C[/color][color=#7B6EC5]e[/color][color=#8467C4]r[/color][color=#8E60C4]e[/color][color=#9759C3]m[/color][color=#A052C3]o[/color][color=#AA4BC2]n[/color][color=#B344C2]y[/color][/center][/h3] [sub][@Rtron],[@Lucius Cypher], [@May], & [@Luna][/sub] [center] [u]WALK CRAWLER[/u][/center] As the wall crawler retreated to the wall, one of her delicate smaller arms reached back then grasped the arrow embedded in her abdomen. With a few furious tugs the shaft came loose. Black blood spilled from her veins and the split open carapace, the white stringy muscle dangled out through the opening and laid across her ass end. He head turned toward the incoming bodies rushing to her now freed meal. The number was more than she bargained on causing her frustration to boil to the surface and her throat to rattle, her thinner hand dropped the now broken shaft. When it dropped, the sound vibrated off the stone work until the echo vanished deep into the Nox. Her large arachnid backside bent at a nearly impossible curve and back legs gripped onto the wall, scaling the seemingly smooth surface onto the roof easily. Among the corners, the students would notice the thick webbing strings stretched across the surface declaring this area her nesting ground. Slowly several more eyes slit open to reveal a few smaller males creeping from the darkness. About six if anyone was to count through their realization of a sudden increase of numbers. Originally the female beast had hoped to get her meal and scrambled out before the others awoke. However, with the conflict, there was little chance for her to gain a greedy portion now. While in the farthest corner, her head tilted behind her as she examined her wound. It had been so long since something had made it past her carapace and drawn blood. Gingerly her smaller, delicate little arms tenderly stuffed back in the white strings of her muscles back into her abdomen where they would mend in time. While the group gradually collected themselves, Helena tapped her light where barely a fade glow erupted to Annabeth gripped Colette’s hand, when the female’s head snapped up abruptly. Her eight eyes stared into the distance with expectancy then rattled a warning hiss. Promptly all the wall crawlers scattered into the tunnel. [center][u] NOX SHIFTING[/u][/center] A low, subtle rumble began. Rumble...rumble...rumble… at first, it could’ve easily been mistaken for a much worse creature trapped within the Nox. A beast with a ferocious appetite. It grew louder the longer the party stayed in wait before the floor started to quiver and gradually quake. Their feet slipped underneath them as they crashed into the floor without warning, the very stone work starting to crack and shift beneath them. A large fissure formed between Colette’s and Annabeth’s hand (assuming they were able to keep hold) while a stone wall shot up from the darkness within. In moments, Colette and her demons were separated from the rest when she vanished from sight. The wall facing Annabeth then grinded toward to her coming to stop just inches in front of her. Another wall rocketed toward Althalus, his knowledge about solid walls effect if they hit him were unknown, threatened his very life when it shot toward him. Considering he hadn’t went through the floor it was best to assume that the wall could easily crush him even in ghost mode. Helena-being a bit from the rest- found her floor slanted upward at an angle enough to slide her back into Annabeth. Upon hitting, they crashed against the wall in an entanglement of limbs and arms. When the walls stopped shifting, they would find at their side a newly revealed path. And one student short.