Avery walked back, holding two mugs of tea and handed him one. "I feel tea fixes everything..." She sat down by him and looking into the mug, thinking. Then she said "I've been a demon for over a hundred years...I made a deal with my boss. My deal was he would save my brother from a reaper...and he gets my soul. I was his hit man. Took out anyone causing him problems...until tonight. He wants me to kidnap an angel and get info out of him...I said that's not my deal. Its not my deal with him. So he threatened my brother, to bring him back from the dead and use him as a walking pawn. I snapped and tried to kill him...and my deal with him broke" She pulled up her jacket sleeve and showed him her wrist. It was bare. Which any supernatrual being would know that a demon bond to their boss would have their mark on that wrist. She said "So I'm a lone demon now...with a hit on my head. YOur turn"