[CENTER][img]http://ddn.i.ntere.st/p/7788463/image[/img] [h1][u]The Meet[/u][/h1] [h2]Street Side: Too Much to Bear[/h2] Interactions with [@cloudystar],[@sharksama], [@Barioth], [@Rune_Alchemist], [@Wasted Ink] and [@Pirouette] plus others (sorry if I forgot you)[/center] The fight raged on and soon enough he felt cold air begin to flow on the warm day, causing him to turn. [color=9e0b0f]Iceman...[/color] He mumbled to himself before flashing next to him. [color=9e0b0f]Get my guys outta here and then if you need to go, go. I don't want you exerting yourself too much, okay? I can handle this."[/color] He said, not as a command but a suggestion. Iceman looked slightly, off. He may have been getting sick but needless to say he didn't need a burden on the battlefield. Plus wherever the source of this salt came from was not only a nuisance, but the source was gonna die when he figured it out. Then came the most, annoying, cheesy, crappiest intro he had ever heard. Rolling his eyes, he turned the face the behemoth of a man. Gi was fishing out salt from his nose as he gave the Bear a disinterested look. [color=9e0b0f]I'm sorry...Did you say something."[/color] Picking out a few salt grains, he flicked them away before taking on a lazy posture but despite his posture, he was ready to move at a moments notice. Which reminded him- [i][color=9e0b0f]Bullets ricocheting off of him. Hmm...If they can't pierce him I don't think my blades will either...[/color][/i] His eyes narrowed ever so slightly but he looked back to Iceman with a nod and then back to the bear...man. [color=9e0b0f]"Oi! What's your name again. I don't think I heard of you. Actually-"[/color] He asked over the sound of gun fire, to which he still remained dodging as he began to step back, gesturing for the bear to follow. [color=9e0b0f]"How bout we take this elsewhere. keep the rest of the bystanders and boys in blue from harm, yeah?"[/color] He continued backing up until he lost sight of him from within the think salt.