[center][h2]Sel[/h2][/center] Sel was glad at the craziness his salt based antics had caused, but his eyes caught sight of police officers headed in his direction and they appeared to be wearing goggles. This annoyed Sel a bit, they were ruining the fun. No matter he could deal with them and he smiled as they took aim at him. He quickly raised a thick wall of rock hard salt that deflected the projectiles headed his way and then he made a quick motion with his left hand and blades of salt formed in the air around the officers who had braved through the clouds of salt to attack him. Once they were formed, Sel made them shoot into the four officers either stabbing them through the head or neck. They dropped to the floor dead in front of him and he grinned. "That's what happens when you try to put an end to my fun" he said with a chuckle and then snapped his fingers and cloud of salt dissipated making it clearer to see now. Sel then cracked his knuckles loudly and went on the offensive. He didn't care if they were gang members or cops, he was going to give both a bad day. He formed dozens of spikes made of salt in his hands and in one quick motion he shot all of them in the direction of the gangsters and police. These spikes were thing and about the length of kitchen knives, which could be deadly. He didn't really care where the struck as long as many of them hit a target.