Well, he was definitely done trying to navigate through this with logic. It seemed the God of this world was completely oblivious to the laws of nature and common sense. As the saying goes "If you live with the wolves, pretend to be one". Even that would be hard because he was The Master Hunter not a lowly dog. He had literally cut an wolf, stuffed it's corpse while cooking and then eating the meat all the while drinking a glass of its blood as it was said that it would improve his hunter skills. All it did was make him throw up and start a new hobby. So many new characters, so many possibilities, so many dangers. Well at least he was hitting it off with the Bear Guard. That, being 100℅ obvious just from the look of pure friendliness the bear gave him when they made eye contact, or maybe it was just the leftover jello from his jello pool adventure blocking the bear's face on his goggles. Swiftly cleaning it up, just then a dark fellow prisoner male approached him with conversation. "He must certainly love the show. Having his own personal Colosseum...an arena with fights to the death performed for the viewers pleasure"-he clarified as maybe they didn't have the same name for it in this world. "Anyway, you can call me The Master and what better way to make a new friend then in the aftermath of a bloody murder"-he said while extending his hand. Finally, his first real friend since ever! "So, care to show the new guy around? Add some life advice while you're at it."