[@rush99999] [@Duthguy] Yeah of course, I honestly don't expect people to read that (it's like 15 pages in the book) A summary of each chapter: Slouching Towards Apocalypse (1999-2010) -Multinational corporations (megacorps) given the same rights as foreign governments, allowing them to have their own laws, military, etc. The Resource Rush and Lone Eagle -Various groups in America aggresively take land from Native Americans, Soveriegn American Indian Movement formed to fight against corporate takeovers -SAIM captures missile silo in northwest Montana, then threatens to launch unless land is given back. Delta Force resolves the situation, but not before a single ICBM was fired at the Russian Republic. In what is known as the "Lone Eagle Incident", the missile dissapeared for unown reasons. -"Re-education camps" made specifically for Native Americans are introduced in America. AKA concentration camps. Japan, Inc. -South Korea declares war on North Korea with Japanese support. North Korea is overun. -Japan renamed Japanese Imperial State VITAS - The New Black Death -Disease "VITAS" discovered in India. -In less than a year, approximately a quarter of the world's population is dead. 2011 - The Year of Chaos -Unexplained Genetic Mutation causes thousands of "normal" parents to give birth to the first elves and dwarves. -First dragon sighting in Japan. -Daniel Howling Coyote leads a group of Native Americans to escape a Texan re-education camp. Bullets fired at him apparently stopped in mid-air -In January 2012, an interview with the dragon Dunkelzhan explains the resurgence of magic (now called the Awakening) If It's Tuesday, This Must Be the UCAS -Native American Nations formed. -Mexico renamed Aztlan. President invites all Hispanic people to "join in reclaiming our glorious cultural heritage". The Indian War and The Great Ghost Dance -All non-Natives in North America told by NAN to leave "on pain of magical retribution". -Guerilla war between NAN and US. -Resolution act of 2016 - i.e. American Schlieffen Plan - is disrupted by the Great Ghost Dance, in which Native Americans throughout the country take part in a magical ritual causing freak weather and other disturbances, before climaxing with the simultaneous eruptions of Mounts Hood, Rainier, St. Helens and Adams. The world sees the Natives are serious, and magic is definitely real. The Treaty of Denver -2018: End of war, NAN given most of the Western US. Welcome to Our World (2018-2029) -Invention of cyberware and simsense (cybernetic modification and "true" VR) Goblinization -Creation of orcs and trolls -Intense racism ended by another outbreak of VITAS, claiming another 10% of the world’s population In Other News… -Metahumans (elves, dwarves, orcs and trolls) given equal rights to humans in the US -Birth of Humanis, an anti-metahuman terrorist group -Creation of cyberterminals (full VR computers) The Crash of ‘29 -Extremely powerful computer virus destroys nearly all devices capable of accessing the internet. Also causes lethal biofeedback among those using cyberterminals during an attack. -US forms a team of 32 of the world’s best hackers to destroy it. After 2 years, they finally succeed, after suffering 15 casualties, four of whom died in the first 18 minutes of the counterattack. Secession and War (2030-2037) -Canada and non-NAN US territories emerge to become UCAS -California leaves UCAS -Euro war: Russia attacks Poland, causing a most of Europe to get involved in a huge war. A strange event occurs in 2033 in which more than a dozen key leaders from all sides were assassinated and all major communications and command centres on every side were bombed to destruction. All in one night, and to this day it is unknown who did it. Everyone who conceivably could have has publicly denied it. -Metahumans attack Brazil, and declare the captured land a new nation named Amazonia. -Southern American states secede from UCAS, becoming the Confederate American States (CAS). -Two pure-elf countries created: Tir na nOg (where Ireland once was) and Tir Tairngire, seceding from the NAN. Corporate Machinations (2033-2048) -World-famous “One-Nanosecond Buyout”, in which Damien Knight used a handful of expertly programmed computers to make an incredibly complex series of transactions. Within the minute he was a multi-millionaire. -Other minor changes make the corporate landscape more like the modern one. Humans and Metas – From Bad to Worse (2036-2046) -Another anti-metahuman terrorist group hits the playing field, named Alamos 20,000 -Invention of the SIN system in the UCAS – it keeps information on everyone, and anyone not on its database has sharply detrimented rights. -Several racist attacks on metahuman throughout the 2040s. Life on the Cutting Edge (2049-2060) -Rapid technological development -Civil war in Aztlan Bug City -Several hives of bug spirits found worldwide. Destroyed in secret, but Chicago almost completely destroyed, remnants still fought over by bug spirits and various Chicagoan “warlords”. Election Fever -Dunkelzhan (remember him?) is elected as president of the UCAS, assassinated same day. -Dunkelzhan’s will results in several small corporations gaining a lot of wealth. -Kyle Haeffner president of UCAS. Corp War -Megacorps attempt to crush smaller ones to avoid more competition. -Megacorp Fuchi Industrial Electronics destroyed. Estimations were on point. It's still pretty long, but hopefully a little more readable now.