[hider=Kitamura Tamiko] Name: Kitamura Tamiko Age: 24 Sex: Female Nationality: Japanese/British parentage. British nationality. Appearance: Tamiko appears more Japanese that she does British, at least living in the west has certainly led her to feel this way. Her hair is jet black and her skin is darker than that of her mother who has a very pale complexion (Of course the opposite would have been true had she lived in Japan, being far paler and having an obviously more ‘western’ appearance). She is thin and tall, having inherited her mother’s size and somewhat luscious body-shape – she stands at just under 5’8’ weighing approximately 127 lbs and ensures she keeps in good physical condition. Having grown up in Britain she is more aligned with western concepts of beauty and dresses and presents herself accordingly, usually wearing stylish dresses of all kinds with a slightly abundant amount of jewellery – balancing professional with a charming element of seduction. Outward Personality: Tamiko is an extremely focused young woman, ambitious, friendly and dedicated to her work. She is happy, outgoing and generally polite and seems to have little problem mixing her work and social life always seeming to want to spend more time socialising with her colleagues – anyone would tell you that she likely has a very promising future ahead of her. She is not opposed to subtle flirtations and has no problem letting a man help her, quite often playing to their sense of masculinity or chivalry. Inner Personality: Tamiko is actually a fairly damaged woman, the root of which generally goes back to her father’s abandonment of her and her mother. She desires more than anything to receive his approval and acceptance, secretly resenting her mother for as she sees it ‘driving him away’. An extension of this she somehow blames the ‘Allied nations’/the west (broadly of course and for many various reasons) for having flawed ideology, a deeply unspiritualistic and material culture amongst other things. Of course she is also deeply conflicted, having been raised and lived in said culture for her entire life – and actually enjoying it a large amount. However it’s easy to ignore your own flaws whilst focusing on those of others if it justifies your actions. She has somewhat glamorised and idealised Japanese culture and history, believing in their propaganda of superiority in practically every regard, though of course she would never verbalise any of these beliefs and keeps this a closely guarded secret. Tamiko is a double-agent amongst the Rutherford unit and as such seeks to assist Japan and the Axsis through subterfuge and espionage, working directly with a European contact to feed him small amounts of information whilst waiting for any major opportunity to sabotage their efforts. Her goal is to gain something of great importance or power before defecting and returning to what she sees as her true homeland before their inevitable victory, whilst in the meantime reviling information on the unit’s plans and whereabouts. Backstory: Tamiko was born to Juliette Davies and Kitamura Zeshin in 1918, both having met during operations in WW1 in Singapore in 1915. She was a nurse who had been assigned to the British forces, he a Japanese Sailor who was wounded by a rebelling Sepoy who was in possession of a minor ‘artifact’. This was a dagger that seemed to have a most unusual property, any wound that the blade caused would rapidly become a necrotising infection that ate away at the unfortunate victims flesh within mere minutes. Fortunately the Sepoy had not had the opportunity to use it on Zeshin, in fact the young man had managed to turn the blade on its wielder which is how he discovered its remarkable property (he did however receive a gunshot to the arm). Receiving news of this the British commander sent word to his superiors, to which he received an instruction from the highest authority to ensure the artefacts safe return to England. The Japanese commander however refused to simply hand it over, and instead negotiated that the injured Zeshin would accompany it to England to ensure that it remained the property of Japan. The only senior nurse assigned to the unit a young Miss Davies was sent with him to ensure his health and survival, the British wanting to ensure favourable diplomatic negotiations with the Japanese. They reported to a Dr Victor Rutherford who was considered the only expert in such unusual matters and through coincidence the two worked together closely having bonded during the trip. The young sailor seemed to have a hidden skill at manipulating events to ensure that he remained in England, supported by the Japanese negotiators in his desires. Quickly the two fell in love and within a year they were married, the young Japanese man being promoted as the British government sought to improve Anglo-Japanese relations by praising him highly to his command. He became a diplomat between the two countries and Japan’s only insight into the original Rutherford project. After three years they had a daughter and named her Tamiko - all seemed well for a few years. However it was not to last and as Tamiko turned thirteen her father left both her and her mother and returned to Japan amongst the rising tensions between the two nations. Her mother stepped back from the project (though her only role was due to that of her husband, she had worked as a secretary for the project and offered medical assistance whenever it had been required). Tamiko grew up and attended Oxford university where she studied Medicine and Theatre before graduating at the top of her class. Her mother through her contacts acquired working in the Rutherford project secured her a position as an administrative assistant where she quickly proved her use and dedication. With her medical training and a few casual requests where she made her desires known it wasn’t long before she became a mix of administrator and also a field-medic of sorts for the project. Thus far she has proved invaluable both at the office and in the field. Other: Tamiko has made quite a few friends in her time within the project and the government. In some regards she could be considered a socialite, always seeming to acquire an invite to them most prestigious events and being popular amongst the wealthy and powerful. Secretly she is willing to do a lot to ensure she stays in favour of people she know matter. She is not opposed to using her feminine charms and more to gain the favours and friends she needs if it helps her achieve her objectives. She exerts a huge amount of effort into protecting her image. She communicates with her contact through a combination of dead-drops and the occasional brush pass, generally in either very crowded or very remote locations – quite infrequently so. [/hider] [hider=Giasone Magliaro] Name: Giasone Magliaro Age: 38 Sex: Male Nationality: Italian Appearance: [IMG]http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i246/Bloodlut/Hugo_1.jpg[/IMG] Giasone has a somewhat rough worn expression and seems to have a perpetual scowl across his features. He has deep chestnut hair that is starting to gray very slightly, though he still possesses the athletic build of a man in his prime. He has an intimidating presence and generally commands respect and fear with his piercing gaze. The men whisper that he can stare into a man and determine if he speaks the truth or not – nonsense, but it speaks volume about the nature of his steely gaze and the effect it can have on some. Outward Personality: Giasone is a man with little patience for stupidity or cowardice in life, traits he seems to discover in his fellow man continuously. He is known as a strict disciplinarian and not someone you would care to cross – and that’s amongst his colleagues. Known to have little to no tolerance for failure he commands with absolute authority inspiring fear and obedience in his men. Once a priest it is hard to believe this man once possessed a shred of caring or compassion for his fellow man, he seems now to sometimes even relish in the suffering of others. Driven and deadly cunning Giasone Magliaro has rightly earned his position as one of Mussolini’s favourites, providing the dictator with an insight into the world of the occult and masterminding the campaign against the Vatican. Inner Personality: Giasone Magliaro lost his faith over ten years ago, though the experience that caused this is a closely guarded secret of his. He resigned his priesthood and never looked back, delving into the world of the occult as he buried himself in religious texts. He became more and more obsessed and with the rise of the Fascist Party in Italy he was suddenly contacted as the government of his homeland made moves to create its own version of the so called ‘Rutherford Program’. Slowly Giasone became more involved in the program and they recovered several of the artefacts that he had researched and attempted to locate. Though they too experienced many failures at the hands of the Rutherfords, each one slowly chipping away at his once calm personality, this slow build up seeming to have come to a climax as the nations themselves have descended into war. As his colleagues have died and he has taken on a more senior role he has started to become more unhinged and sadistic, though the majority of the time he maintains his composure. He now seeks to beat the Rutherford project at every step, knowing that the right artefact of piece of ancient lore may hold the key to victory – and through that domination of the world itself. Backstory: From village priest to military commander seems like a big change, but for Giasone the change has come naturally as his life has progressed. As soon as his government took an interest in his research it gave his life new purpose and direction, something beyond dusty tomes and scrabbling for scraps of information. At first he was sceptical, but he joined the Italian program in the hope that he may one day be able to wield the power he had once witnessed. More of a military division than a team this unit was simply called ‘Divisione Sessantesimo’, the sixtieth division. D-sixty was equipped with a full infantry unit, cavalry detachment and even a flamethrower unit. In the beginning he had many colleagues, however one by one either their research consumed them or they fell to the hands of one of the Rutherford unit. There were exceptions of course though, some who paid the price for repeated failure or otherwise displeased their commanders. Giasone however has done nothing but please those above him. His research always meticulous and well sourced he has never failed to successfully pitch a location or be aware of each piece of relevant information for the task at hand. With the recent death of the previous head of the unit he has finally been given more direct command and has big plans ahead of him. He is the mastermind behind the campaign to plunder the catholic vaults and thus far has been most successful. His eye however is on the one true prize, the vault that lies below Vatacan City and the wealth of knowledge and artefacts that lay within. In his time he has delved deep into the occult of the churches of the world, participating and observing many rituals and dark practises. Other: Giasone Magliaro is a man of many sins. A smoker, a drinker and a man with demons, he has developed very sadistic tendencies and some very unsavoury pastimes. [/hider]