With the tray now replaced upon the table, Tomoya silently listened to the details of their case, frowning a little. It was a curious scenario, indeed. To be able to breach the presumably-extensive, or at least effective, security of this mage family and steal their most treasured item? Not only did that require extensive knowledge of the defenses, but possibly of the house's layout, maybe even the family's schedule... "A member of a branching family would be the most logical suspect," Tomoya muttered thoughtfully, a a hand placed on his chin as his brow furrowed, "Though I suspect even they would not have extensive knowledge of the Daidouji's security. Their home, though..." There wasn't really enough information for his musings to progress far, unfortunately. Too many scenarios and unanswered questions. Then again, if Detectives could determine the outcome from the get-go, there'd be no need to do any actual investigating. At least he could immediately rule out his own employer. That particular vampire was the type who would steal something if she wanted it and had no desire to actually pay... but Tomoya was damn sure she also had no idea about the Daidoujis, their security, heirlooms... not to mention she'd learned her lesson the last time he'd caught her following whims like that with no consequences to her actions. [i]...The sooner we can begin our investigation, the quicker I can focus on work,[/i] Tomoya thought with some disdain.