[hider=Georgina Cadwell][center][img]http://www.collider.com/uploads/imageGallery/Married_Life/married_life_movie_image_rachel_mcadams.jpg[/img][/center] Name: Georgina Cadwell Age: 20 Sex: Female Nationality: British Appearance: Georgina is a young woman, standing at 5'7'' and weighs 122 lbs. She has long, blonde hair usually tied up in a bob or in a fashionable updo. She has dark brown eyes and a peach complexion. She typically wears dresses and suits, but occasionally puts on her pants (take that men!). She also has a beauty mark by her left eye. She wears make-up, most notably her red lipstick and black mascara. Outward Personality: Georgina is a smart one. Never one to miss out on debates or intellectual conversations, she hopes to make it big in a man's world. She isn't afraid of most things and likes to explore and investigate, probably too much for her own good. While some would consider her nosy, she considers herself to be inquisitive. She is sociable, likable, and can easily play the helpless female when all else fails, even though she could probably give most men a run for their money. Inner Personality: Georgina is studying the paranormal for her own personal validation. Having her parents killed under mysterious circumstances left her with no closure. As she researched more, she became increasingly more interested in the occult and the paranormal. Deep inside, she knows her parents were into the same thing and that is what got them killed. Behind those pretty eyes lays the mind of a woman who is out for the truth, and will go to great lengths to get it. Backstory: Georgina lost her parents when she was very little. She was told growing up that they were killed in a fire, but the police covered up any attempt at looking at the bodies or investigating the scene. Georgina knew something was up. She studied hard in school and researched whatever she could into her parents' deaths. She stumbled upon books and papers outlining mysterious things like cults, magic, and paranormal entities. She was intrigued, to say the least. As she studied more, she became more and more certain her parents were interested in the same thing. By the time she reached 20, she was known for being an intellectual and an amazing mind, if also a snoop and a nuisance. Her search for the truth has led to very little answers and even more questions. Having shown an interest in all things paranormal, she was sought after for The Rutherford Organization. With the war on everyone's minds, she felt it best to lend her talents to a worthwhile cause. She could help and find the help she needed to finally find the answers she has been looking for. Other: She is left-hand dominant She knows how to use a gun, mainly a pistol She loves chocolate. Like...a LOT She has never had a steady boyfriend, though guys have tried. They've all been too stupid.[/hider]