Oooh have fun!!! that sounds fun :) and yep, Silent's next up, gotta get those two lazy-bones-boys outta bed!!!! I really hope Richard and Leith cross paths at some point IC (Im sure they will). Leith isn't an aggressor or violent type of guy, he [i]can't[/i] really stick up for Ceren because his word is nothing to Richard, so he sort of just freezes up and tries to take most of the slings and arrows that are aimed on both of them but it takes its toll. I think they'd probably enjoy a quiet night in on the sofa with pizza, they don't usually get much privacy in the house, its probably a blessing in disguise for them to get some alone time but the premise isn't so nice. Richards a real arse to exclude them from a fancy dinner! EDIT: I like the idea of Richard having an upper hand too and knowing that he's letting Meredith have her way when he could pull the rug out from under her too ... it just feeds into her misery and his ego even more. So fitting for his character